Cheap Best Microphone for Vlogging with Phone

How to find Cheap Best Microphone for Vlogging with Phone

Video blogging, aka, vlogging, has emerged over a decade. Now, it refers to an act of sharing and capturing video blogs by devoted creators. With the rise of streaming services, the format for vlogging has also undergone a change. Vlogs now certainly help people to get connected in basic manners. Additionally, it also helps build relationships. As mobile technology is helping YouTubers to take advantage of the platform, people can now capture an array of content for channels. On that note, everyone needs to learn about the many types of vlogging microphones. So, which type is ideal to call the best microphone for vlogging with phone? Learn here!

microphone for vlogging with phone

Although beginners might get confused with the types, the most common is the cardioid microphone. This particular microphone is the unidirectional mic perfect for the purpose of recording human voices. Within the category of cardioid microphone, there are various types of mics to choose. Of course, it depends on the camera. Here’s a rundown of the other options to get familiar with the best microphone for vlogging with phones.

DSLR microphones : The microphones that get mounted to the DSLR camera and happen to be a great option when filming outdoors are the DSLR microphones! The common types are the ‘shotgun’ mics. These microphones are expensive, which is why beginners do not prefer them. However, quality-wise, they are one of the best variants ever available in the market. In case you have a DSLR, why don’t you try these best microphones for vlogging?

best microphones for vlogging

USB microphones : The next variant is the USB microphone. As a matter of fact, the majority of vloggers on YouTube opt for these microphones. The fact that they are ideal for every shot recorded near the computer is enough to make vloggers select this variant. These mics are best for gaming walkthroughs, tutorials, product demos, interviews, music, voiceovers, and even commentaries.

Microphones for phones : If you are a smartphone user, then you get to choose this variant. No other mics can serve the purpose as that of a smartphone microphone for vlogging. You can perform your vlogging related tasks from the comfort of your house if you want to record and capture videos on your smartphone. Using this mic can serve you the purpose. Since these are smartphone mics, they aren’t of the most premium quality. But the makers of affordable smartphone mics assure vloggers to make the best out of these products on their phones.

microphone for vlogging

This concludes the post that narrated the types of mics for vlogging. And since you have been searching for the best mic for smartphones, the last one in this list seems the ideal option!