Teaching Slides & Notes

Intro to Philosophy

(Using The Norton Introduction to Philosophy)

Intro to Philosophy 

Including: Harriet Mill, Susan B. Anthony, Gandhi, King, hooks, X,  Carmichael, Angela Davis, Iris Young, Charles Mills, Fricker, Medina


Hurley's 11th edition

Black Lives Matter 

Including: Coates, Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Octavia Butler, Michelle Alexander, Chappelle

Freedom & Responsibility (Aristotle, Aquinas, Kane, Fischer, Pereboom, Vargas, Arpaly)

Ancient Philosophy (Plato & Aristotle)

Intermediate Logic (Smullyan's Beginner's Guide to Math Logic)

Racism (focusing on anti-black racism in the U.S.A.)

Racism and Racial Injustice (Blum, Anderson, a bit of Shelby)

Philosophy of Mind (Tim Crane, and Kristen Andrews)

Philosophy of Data
