Privacy policy

Data collection

We respect your privacy, so we only collect necessary information related to your device. These information include:

1. Device type: This helps us understand the performance of your device in order to provide a smoother chat experience.

2. System version: Understanding your operating system version helps ensure compatibility with your device and provides a better user experience.

3. System Language: Based on your system language, we can provide content push that matches you, making you feel more comfortable when using.

4. Time zone: Understanding your time zone helps us provide the best chat service based on your time.

5. Device identification: In order to provide customized advertising push and recommendations, we will collect and share your device identification.

Please note that we will not collect or store any personal information such as name, contact phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information.

Data usage and sharing

1. User experience optimization: We use collected data to optimize the performance and user experience of the application, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

2. Advertising push: In order to provide advertising push related to your interests, we will share device identification with third-party partners. These partners will provide customized advertising based on your interests and behaviors.

Data Storage and Security

1. Local storage: All collected data is only stored on your device and will not be transmitted or shared with any external servers.

2. Access Control: Our team members and third-party partners are required to undergo strict background checks and sign confidentiality agreements to ensure that they do not disclose any of your information.

User rights and transparency

1. Transparency: We will clearly tell you what data we collect and why we need it.

2. Option: You may choose not to provide certain data, but this may affect the performance of the application and personalized services.

3. Feedback channel: If you have any questions or concerns about privacy, you can contact us through our contact information, and we will take your feedback seriously and respond accordingly.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time, but will notify users in advance of any significant changes.

Any changes will take effect on the next update of the application and are explicitly stated in this privacy policy.

Please note that this privacy policy is for reference only. If you have any legal issues or require professional legal advice, please consult a professional lawyer.