However this morning I've noticed a new problem. In the old teams, when I got a windows notification of a new reply or chat and clicked on it, it would switch to the main Teams app. If I wanted to pop off a new window for a chat it's something I had to choose to do in the main teams app, which is perfect, because most of the time I don't want that. I just want to switch around in the main Teams chat.

Now, it seems like the new Teams app is constantly opening new windows. If I click on a windows notification popup it opens a new window, not opens the main app with the specified chat in focus. Sometimes is opens a new window even if I have the teams app open looking at the chat in question!

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I have my local and corp windows on top and the others on bottom, the idea is that new windows spawn pins in the bottom, it works on my laptop, but on my desktop, it spawns a fourth of the size in the bottom left corner of the chat window on the bottom left (if that makes sense) and its pinned

I have a 3-monitor system and keep my friends list and chat windows open on my left monitor. The 4 that I currently keep open are almost square with them grouped together alongside the right edge close to my center monitor. It seems they like to close when some other event is happening, like if I close an app on my right monitor. But sometimes only the top two chat windows close and the bottom two stay open, or just the one I last typed in closes.

At Build 2023, we announced that Windows Terminal users will be able to take advantage of natural language AI to recommend commands, explain errors and take actions within Windows Terminal. Since then, we have been listening to customer feedback and iterating on our AI chat experiments in Windows Terminal.

Terminal Chat is a feature in Windows Terminal Canary that allows the user to chat with an AI service to get intelligent suggestions (such as looking up a command or explaining an error message) while staying in the context of their terminal.

The code for Terminal Chat, our AI chat experience, can be found in the feature/llm branch of the Windows Terminal repository on GitHub. You can also download the latest build of Windows Terminal Canary from our GitHub repository as well.

Starting on October 5th, all Windows 11 users can start using Chat from Microsoft Teams on Windows. It is a signature, lightweight experience brought right to the Taskbar to let Teams personal account users quickly start a video call or chat with friends and family. Chat from Microsoft Teams is installed and pinned to the Taskbar at Windows 11 startup. Windows 11 also includes the full Teams app experience for personal accounts, which powers Chat.

The Copilot service plan (part number: bing_chat_enterprise) must be enabled for your eligible users to receive commercial data protection when they're signed in to Copilot with their work or school account (Entra ID). The Copilot service plan is included with your eligible users' Microsoft 365 licenses. To help ensure that your users are using Copilot with commercial data protection, the service plan is enabled by default.

By taking these steps, you're requiring users to sign in to Copilot with their work or school account (Entra ID) so they receive commercial data protection. This configuration applies when accessing Copilot through,, Copilot in Edge, and Copilot in Windows.

Copilot makes it clear that commercial data protection is turned on by featuring a unique design. Above the chat input box and on top of every chat answer, users see a message confirming 'Your personal and company data are protected in this chat.' Additionally, users see a green 'Protected' label next to their user profile icon and name at the top of the experience.

When you receive a new message, by default a window is visibly opened on your desktop. You can also choose to minimize all new chat windows to the taskbar, which is useful in an environment where you'd rather attend to chat windows on your own time or if there are privacy concerns with others easily seeing your monitor.

Since Skype 4.0 I'm not able to open more than one chat window. If I want to chat with more than one person I have to close person one's chat window and open one with person two. Even if I click on person two's entry in the contact list and click on "chat" the window of person one will be replaced with person two's chat window.

As part of our open platform, Conversational Cloud gives brands the ability to modify consumer interaction windows using APIs. These APIs allow brands to develop and deploy a unique chat experience for their consumers.

Windows Chat (not to be confused with Microsoft Comic Chat) is a simple LAN-based text chatting program included in Windows for Workgroups and, later, the Windows NT-line of operating systems, including Windows NT 3.x, NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. In later Windows versions, the Network DDE service may need to be enabled to receive calls.[1] It utilizes the NetBIOS session service and NetDDE. Users can chat with each other over an IPX LAN.[2] The shortcut to the executable is not present in the Start Menu in newer versions of Windows; it must instead be run by using Start > Run... > WinChat.exe.[1]

When I go to type something in a chat during a meeting it only allows me to type maybe two to three letters before it seems as if the cursor or the tab key is hit but neither is happening. It just started with this new upgrade. Please help?!?!? It only does this with zoom and no other program or application.

I am having the same issue and it is making Zoom basically unusable for me. It seems to be worse in a large meeting (where there's a lot of participant activity - people entering and exiting, etc). It's almost like another window is "jumping in front" of the chat window and stealing the cursor.

This is unbearable, as someone who relies on Chat a lot in meetings. I am literally using Wordpad in another window to type my responses, and then trying to copy/paste the text into the Zoom chat. Even with this ridiculous solution, I have to be "lucky" enough to hit the "Paste" and "Send" buttons before the cursor disappears. Help, this is making Zoom completely unusable!!

i have the same isue on windows 10 and 11. for some reason i have to download the old version of zoom for it to work just fine version 5.11.4 i really just want it to work on the newer version. i heard its the new chat feature that causes the problem

I have a weird issue(I know so out of place for teams ;) ) with Teams. I have a user when there teams isn't maximized all there chats show up as blank windows. I've cleared the cache rebooted and reinstalled teams and the issue keeps happening,

Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log into accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously. This means that you can be chatting with friends on XMPP and sitting in an IRC channel at the same time.

Pidgin is compatible with the following chat networks out of the box: Jabber/XMPP, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, Lotus Sametime, SILC, SIMPLE, and Zephyr. It can support many more with plugins.

The new Bing experience with ChatGPT integration is significantly changing how we search the web. The experience is known as "Bing Chat," and it offers an experience that allows you to have a more natural conversation with the chatbot to get answers to long and complex questions.

In the past, you could interact with the chatbot directly from the search result page from the right pane, but that has recently changed. You now have to access the "Chat" page. The "Chat" option is always available from or under the box in a search result. If you keep scrolling up with the mouse, the experience will transition automatically from the search results page to the chatbot.

You can type up to 2000 characters, and depending on how you compose the question, the chatbot will respond accordingly. It's interesting to note that asking the same or similar question may result in a different response with the same core facts and can also trigger a different format for the presentation of the answer.

In the Bing Chat response, you can hover over the content to reveal the source of the citations. In the response footnote, you will find the name of the websites from the citations. You can also click the link to jump to the website the chatbot used to compose the answer, similar to a regular online search.

If you want to speed up the process of accessing the chatbot, you can always make Microsoft Edge your default browser on Settings > Default browser and click the "Make default" button in the "Microsoft Edge is your default browser."

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Question0Rolig LoonPosted July 23, 2014Rolig LoonResident Flagrantly Humble 46k 4Share Posted July 23, 2014 Duplicate post. Original is at -windows-is-gone-from-chat-I-have-groups-and-IM-s/qaq-p/2783108

There are several ways to get around this issue. The first is offering customers a contact form to fill out while your chat window agents are offline, allowing your agents to email them at a later stage.

Similarly, agents should have access to chat history to understand any previous issues the customer has had quickly. This is one of the best chat features out there, as customers hate having to repeat themselves time and time again.

Using chat window support is currently one of the most dynamic ways to stay in touch and build rapport with customers. The beauty of it is that you can use each interaction to create a better visitor experience.

The chat tab focuses on more conversational language, which provides lots of suggestions on the types of questions you can ask. These include links to learn more, suggested follow-up questions, and functions much more like a traditional search engine. e24fc04721

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