
Green Up Vermont's mission is to promote the stewardship of our state's natural landscape and waterways and the livability of our communities by involving people in Green Up Day and raising public awareness about the benefits of a litter-free environment. Vermont was the first state to designate a day to clean up the entire state. Started in 1970 by Gov. Deane C. Davis, our unique tradition continues with thousands of Vermonters taking care of Vermont. 2024 marks the 54th anniversary. To read more about the history of Green Up Vermont CLICK HERE

Saturday, May 4th at Charlotte Central School!

9 am to 4 pm

Green Up Bags will be available starting April 27th at the Library, Old Brick Store and Spear's Corner Store

Join Us Saturday, May 4, 2024!

Charlotte Green Up Day (GUD) coordinators are Ken Spencer and Kim Findlay. Please feel free to email us with any questions.


Please Sign Up for a Route!

Please make Green Up Day more efficient and user friendly by signing up for a route. That way we know which roads are getting cleaned up and which roads still need to be done. Sign up and details page. 

** On Saturday, you can sign up at the school only. **


Volunteers are needed to help out at the Quonset Hut!!! Two hour shifts:

  8-10 am Taken

10-12 one slot open

12-2 pm Taken

2-4 pm open

Contact  Kim to sign up!


Other Events and Activities 

There will  be e-waste recycling available again this year at the event.


Trash/Recycling Resources & Information

Check out our Resources and Information page.

Overall Poster Winner: Adelyn O.

Thanks  to Junior, Leslie and Tyler Lewis for their help (year after year)!

They will make their trucks available on May 4th for collected trash. 

PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE BAGS ALONG THE ROADSIDE. The town does not pick up bags and neither do the GUD coordinators. 

Yearly Green Up Day Totals


1.41 tons of trash

76 tires


Trash: 1.8 tons

Tires: 2.1 tons

Recyclables Redeemables: 9 bags


Trash:  2.53 Tons

Tires: 2.68 Tons

Recyclables/Redeemables: 8 garbage bags


Trash:  1.18 Tons

Tires (2 trucks) totaling: 2.15 Tons

 Scrap Metal:  0.82 Tons/1,640lLbs

Redeemables: 5 garbage bags


Trash: 1.58 tons/3168 lbs

Redeemables/Recyclables: 10 contractor bags

Tires:  3.25 tons/6500 lbs

Scrap meta:l .34 tons/680 lbs 


Trash: 1.58 tons/3168 lbs

Tires:  1.91 Tons/3820 lbs

Scrap metal: .25 Tons/500 lbs


Green Up bags of trash: 1.47 tons/2940 lbs.

Tires:  2.59 tons/5,180 lbs

Scrap Meta:l  1.26 tons/2,520 lbs

Photos L to R: Axel Macik greens up!, Kim and Ken co-coordinate, full trucks, the final map-almost all roads greened up!

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