
Working Papers (Available on Request)

Challenges facing independent inventors: Do patents help? Co-authored with N. Pairolero, A. Toole, P.A. Pappas, and M. Teodorescu (Revise and resubmit)

Abstract: We present results from the first ever randomized control trial on independent inventors at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This experiment, called the Pro Se Pilot, led to an 8 percentage point increase in the likelihood of receiving a patent. We exploit the random assignment of treatment to identify causal impacts of receiving a patent on short term independent inventor outcomes. Our results suggest that patenting is key to inventive, innovative, and entrepreneurial activity. We find large effect sizes of patenting on reducing financial frictions, participating in markets for technology (18.7 pp), and signaling inventor value to established firms (24.8 pp).

Closing the gender gap in patenting: Evidence from a randomized control trial at the USPTO Co-authored with  N. Pairolero, A. Toole, P.A. Pappas, and M. Teodorescu (Conditionally accepted)

Abstract: Women are underrepresented in patenting and the gap is not closing quickly. One major roadblock is the dearth of causal evidence on the potential effectiveness of interventional policies to address the gender patenting gap. Using a randomized control trial (RCT) at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), we identify the heterogeneous causal impacts across gender and technologies of increased patent examination assistance on the probability of obtaining patent rights. Women applicants were 11 percentage points more likely than men to benefit from this assistance, and the benefits were largest for U.S. inventors, new U.S. inventors and in areas of technology where women had the worst relative outcomes. Our results suggest that a portion of the gender patenting gap could be eliminated through the provision of additional resources and assistance during patent prosecution.

     The contribution of startups, venture finance, and patenting to innovation in U.S. agriculture Co-authored with G. Graff and N. Rada

Creative Destruction and Strategic Protection: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Patenting Co-authored with A. Marco

Patent Validity and Follow-on Patenting: Evidence From Ex Parte Reexamination at the USPTO

The Green Technology Pilot Program: Opportunities for Firms in a Green Economy Co-authored with Mike Teodorescu (Revise and resubmit)

Peer-reviewed Publications

Work in Progress

Policy Reports & Technical Documentation