
Current, Spring 2022

Calculus II (Math 162)

Graph Theory (Math 248)

Past Teaching

University of Rochester

Calculus I (Math 141), Fall 2021

Calculus II (Math 162), Fall 2021

Graph Theory (Math 248), Spring 2021

Calculus I (Math 141) , Spring 2021

Calculus II (Math 162), Fall 2020

Calculus I (Math 141) , Fall 2020

Graph Theory (Math 248), Spring 2020

Calculus I (Math 141) , Spring 2020

Calculus II (Math 162), Fall 2019

Calculus I (Math 141) , Fall 2019

Instructor at Rutgers

Abstract Algebra (Math 351) , Summer 2016

Linear Algebra (Math 250), Spring 2015

Calculus I (Math 151), Summer 2013

Calculus I (Math 151), Summer 2013

Teaching Assistant at Rutgers

Linear Algebra with Matlab (Math 250) Spring 2016

Differential Equations, (Math 244), Fall 2015. Won the TA teaching excellence award.

Multivariable Calculus (Math 251), Fall 2014

Abstract Algebra (Math 351), Spring 2014

Multivariable Calculus (Math 251), Fall 2013

Differential Equations (Math 244), Spring 2013

Multivariable Calculus (Math 251), Fall 2012