About Us

How do you find The Best Injury attorney in Charleston? Finding the right personal injury attorney in Charleston may not be easy. There is a lot to consider and you need to make sure that whomever you choose has your best interests at heart.

For this reason when you contact Frank from the very first moment you will understand why he has a Five star ranking on Google from all former and present clients.

Frank cares about you your circumstances and obtaining justice and the compensation you deserve. This may sound like precisely the same messaging as other firms however the biggest difference is that you will be dealing with Frank the attorney not some other attorney within some enormous firm that you never talked to to begin with. There is nothing worse than be passed off to another lawyer especially when you werent planning on it. You hired the individual you spoke with that is who you are confident with and thats who should fully handle your case. That�s not to say you wont ever speak with a paralegal you may in any legal firm it is part of their job. Theyre responsible for gathering information and developing your file however should you ever have to go to court or someone needs to talk to some insurance company its the lawyer you spoke with that should be there by your side and standing up for you and your rights.

What Should I Know About Personal Injury Cases?

Frank wants you to definitely be informed in all personal injury matters. If you take a look at his YouTube channel you will appreciate that Frank gives a great deal of free legal advice to ensure that if you feel youre not quite prepared to contact him yet but you have concerns about something he can provide you with the advice you may be looking for. If you are not finding the answers to the questions you have on the website or in the videos do not forget that consultations are free of charge so call if you have a question.