I have been fortunate to work with a talented, energetic group of coauthors, RAs, and UVA students. 

 Veconlab RAs at the ESA Meeting in Charlotte: Bryan Buck, Juliette Sellgren, Madeleine Green and Erica Sprott

My only connection to Harvard or MIT is through former UVA students and lab RAs: Lexi Schubert, Grace Finley, Erica Sprott, Mandy Pallais, and Mai Hassan.

with Vernon at UVA for my 70th!

A classy Lab dinner at the Jeffersonian era Clifton Inn, with Nicholas Anderson, Madison Smither, Yilin Huang, and Maggie Isaacson, just weeks before the COVID shutdown!

Tapas at Mas:with Courtney Carpenter, Max Zilvitis, Elin Woolf, Maggie Isaacson, Alley Sullivan, Jessica Ewing, and Madison Smither

Winter Wander Lab Trip 2022: with Juliette Selllgren, Daniel Harper, Madeleine Green, and Yilin Huang,

Caroline Korndorfer (now at Yale Law), was a UVA student who co-taught an Economics Nobel Laureates seminar with me.  She did the Q&A for my plenary address on this experiment-based course at the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Society annual conference in New Orleans that year.

Three generations of coauthorship and dissertation advising:  Angela Smith (JMU), and Lisa Anderson (W&M).  

Brian Buck, Natasha Swindel and Charlie Holt, Southern Economic Association Conference 2023, New Orleans 

Secret Seven Society Dinner at an "undisclosed location" with Madison Smither and Maggie Isaacson, who are now graduate students at Harvard and Penn respectively.

Irene Comeig (University of Valencia) and Monica Capra (Claremont Graduate School) at the ESA Meeting in Charlotte, 2023

with Clement Bohr (Northestern) and flowers for Ann Talman's cabaret show..

Boar's Head Winter Wander Lab Excursion, 2021, with Erica Sprott,, Daniel Harper, and Sophia Lochner

"Dealing with Risk" coauthors Irene Comeig and Ainoah Guitierrez

Sarah Tulman, reenacting her use of a 70s car phone, after writing her thesis in 52 weeks from start to finish!

with Gladys Lopez (World Bank), who wrote the first quantal response dissertation, 1995

Jeanna Composti Sontag and Kendall Fox revisiting campus.

Dinner wth Sarah Hosseini and Lexi Schubert, with UVA colors!

Sean Sullivan and AJ Bostian, Courtney Mallow. and Ina Hunt

Lab dinner: Ana, Sarah, Grace, Emily, Ian Michelle, Charlie, Lexi

with Anna Hartford, 2023.

Fatimah Shaalan, with a timely finish for her MA thesis!

ASSA UVA reception, with: Mandy Pallais, Devish Raval, Uliana Papovoa, and Rachel Parkin

with Kendall Fox, Dan Melough, and Andrew Barr, ..

with dissertation advisee Mike Schreck at the Maverick in Tucson

with Joy Buchanan, and Vernon Smith at the Maverick in Tucson Arizona