
-The origin of the project-

Formed in 2019 by French multi-instrumentalist Stéphanie Nolf (Unsafe, Syrinx), Chaos Rising is a unique concept that brings together the best female metal musicians from across the globe. Our aim is to showcase women’s talents and fill the gaps in which women are underrepresented in metal. 

The ambitious model has so far resulted in twenty singles/video releases, spanning metal subgenres, and featuring musicians from thirty-six countries, including some of the biggest names in metal. These songs have been released in the double album "The Singles" out in 14th october 2022.

Logo designed by Tina Gruschwitz 

What's the artwork about? 

Tina Gruschwitz (bass, Demorphed) is our graphic designer. She designed our logo and also came up with the concept for the cover art. The goal was to show a woman, but not a typical half-naked heavy metal chick, rather a powerful yet calm face that embedded in some kind of stellar space. Space is also a place of chaos and very different planets, as is our international project with all the different people and styles of metal. 

Generally what type of lyrics does your band write and what's the band's overall message ? 

Lyrics are written by various Chaos Rising members, usually (but not always) by the song’s vocalist. Therefore our themes vary, reflecting the wide range of our musicians’ experiences. As examples, Normalize is about women’s history, Last Breath is about coping with grief, Hostile Eyes about gaslighting. If there is a general theme to our lyrics, it is that of strength in the face of adversity. We have a very positive attitude to feminism. 

Who has already contributed to the project ?

Stéphanie Nolf (France) - Luana Dametto (Brazil) - Britta Görtz (Germany) - Ely Kamyk (France) - Victoria Villarreal (USA) - Nicole Trinchero (Argentina) - Carolina Pérez (USA) - Alessia Mercado (Switzerland) - Tina Gruschwitz (Germany) - Siddhi Shah (India/Dubaï) - Andrea Krakovska (Australia) - Melani Hess (Argentina) - Francesca Mancini (Italy) - Corinna Kurschatke (Germany) - Haniye Kian (Iran/Turky) - Silvia Pistolesi (Italy) - Ksenia Dolgorukova (Russia) -Martha Horizis  (Germany) -  Astrid Anayalation (USA) - Behnaz Ghavidel (Iran) - Audrey Gardenat (France) - Mio Jäger (Sweden) - Catherine Fearns (Switzerland) - Anika Ov Moseberg (Germany) - Barbara Teleki (UK) - Natalia Rozanova (Russia) - Janaina Melo (Brazil) - Pitchu Ferraz (Brazil) - Imke von Helden (Germany) - Julia Sergent (Argentina) - Mel Most (France) - Miss ScarRed (Germany) - Alexandra Lioness (Serbia) - Keira Kenworthy (UK)  - Lisa Skuld (France) - Renee Cobcroft (Australia) - Elena Dergaus (Russia) - Sara Zahnd (Switzerland)  - Aliki Katriou (Greece/New Zealand) Laura Bethge-Meyer (Germany) - Auré Jäger (France) ... 

Where we are today ?

The project is growing rapidly, more than 40 women have already joined us, we go on producing and publishing songs.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, don't hesitate to contact us !