Chao Cheng


Welcome! I am Chao Cheng . I am a PhD Candidate in Department of Biostatistics of the Yale School of Public Health. I have been lucky to be advised by Dr. Fan Li and Dr. Donna Spiegelman. Prior to joining Yale, I received a B.S in Economics from Donghua University (Shanghai, China) and a M.S in Applied Statistics from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China).  

My research primarily focuses on causal inference (mediation analysis, marginal structural models, principal stratification), measurement error correction, and epidemiological methods. I am also very interested in applications of statistical methods to public health and biomedical studies.

Check this out for my hometown Zibo which recently becomes famous because of its outdoor barbecue culture.


The best way to contact me is through my E-mail c[dot]cheng[at]yale[dot]edu


PhD student in Biostatistics, Yale University, New Haven, US (2020-now)

M.S. in Applied Statistics (Mathematical Finance pathway), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2017-2019)

B.S. in Economics, Donghua University, Shanghai, China (2013-2017)



(* indicates corresponding author; see my google scholar for a complete list of my publications)

Talks and Presentations

Awards and Honors

Peer Review Activities for Journals

American Journal of Epidemiology, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Annals of Applied Statistics, Biometrics, BMC Medical Research Methodology, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Epidemiologic Methods, Journal of Causal Inference, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Statistics in Medicine.