
16  On the Korteweg-de Vries limit for the Boussinesq equation
      (with Y.Hong), to appear in Journal of Differential Equations

15  Scattering for 2d semi-relativistic Hartree equations with short range potential

14  The modified scattering of 2 dimensional semi-relativistic Hartree equations
      (with S.Kwon and K.Lee), to appear in Journal of Evolution Equations

13  Scattering for the Dirac-Klein-Gordon system with pseudoscalar source and resonant interaction
      (with Y.Cho), to appear in Bulletin of Korean Mathematical Society

12  The modified scattering for Dirac equations of scattering-critical nonlinearity
      (with Y.Cho, S.Kwon and K.Lee), 
      Advances in Differential Equations 29(3/4) (2024)

11  On the continuum limit for the discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger equation on a large finite cubic lattice  
      (with Y.Hong and C.Kwak),  

     Nonlinear Analysis 227 (2023).

10  Strichartz estimates for higher-order Schrödinger equations and their applications
      (with Y.Hong and C.Kwak), 

      Journal of Differential Equations 324 (2022) 41-75. 

Korteweg-de Vries limit for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system
    (with Y.Hong and C.Kwak), 

    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 240 (2021) no.2, 1091-1145.

8  Small data scattering of Hartree type fractional Schrödinger equations in a scaling critical space
    (with Y. Cho and T. Ozawa), 

    Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 64 (2021) no.1, 1-15. 

Finite difference scheme for two-dimensional periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equations
    (with Y.Hong, C.Kwak and S.Nakamura),

    Journal of Evolution Equations 21 (2021) no.1, 391-418.

Strong convergence for discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations in the continuum limit
    (with Y. Hong),

    SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 51(2019) no.2, 1297-1320.

Uniform Strichartz estimates on the lattice
    (with Y. Hong),

    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems 39 (2019) no.6, 3239-3264.

Small data scattering of semirelativistic Hartree equations

    Nonlinear Analysis 178 (2019), 41-55.

Scattering results for Dirac Hartree-type equations with small initial data

    Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 18 (2019) no.4, 1711-1734.

Critical well-posedness and scattering results for fractional Hartree-type equations
    (with S. Herr), 

    Differential and Integral Equations 31 (2018), no.9-10, 701-714.

1  On the modified scattering of 3-d Hartree type fractional Schrödinger equations with Coulomb potential
    (with Y. Cho and K. Hwang), 

    Advances in Differential equations 23 (2018), no.9-10, 649-692.