Yesterday morning I posted a list on Instagram. A 60 day challenge that I am setting for myself. I've set 6 goals. 60 is a relevant number for me because from December 1, 2014, I have 60 days until my first draft is due to my editor. I want to walk away from this process of book writing not feeling like I just survived something but that I actively made changes while in the writing process and I am walking out a different and better individual.

I want to be so clear with my intentions on posting this. I don't tell people how to live. I don't have any interest in trying to improve your life in 60 days. I just want to be very honest in saying that I, personally, am really hungry to get healthier and treat myself better. I am hungry for balance. I am hungry for a life that knows the distinction between work and friends. I want to figure out where my A-game is, not just in business or writing but in the everyday folds of this thang called life. I want to feel like I've sunk my heels deep into a life I know I want. A life that fuels me inwardly & outwardly.

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But... (there is always a but)... I am also super aware of the fact that when I try to go on journeys on my own, I often fail. And fumble. And give up. And I beat myself up when it was never supposed to be about that to begin with. This little journey of mine has nothing to do with measuring success. It has to do with trying to change something in 60 days, as I reach one of the most important deadlines of my young adult years, that will change my life for the rest of it. I can dig that. I can work for that. I can not be afraid to say I want that.

So you can be in or you can choose to be not in. You can set 6 goals or you can set 2. If you take on these goals, definitely consider custom catering them to you and your work/life. For me, social media won't be on til 6pm. For others, it might be time to shut off at 6pm. You can make it look however you want. The goal is to celebrate change and progress instead of just thinking my life will magically change at the stroke of midnight in one month from now.

I'll be posting occasional updates on Instagram if you want to follow along. I'll post things tagged as #60daystochangealife in case y'all want to set your own goals and post progress. I love a good team effort.

Dying to make a change in your life and turn it around? Yes, you can! In this post, I share a day-to-day guide for you to change your life in 7 days and make transforming your life possible for you in the shortest time possible.

So in addition to your morning pages, write down the negative beliefs you might have about life, people, the world and also about yourself and then turn each one around making it a positive affirmation.

In this article, I'm going to share some compelling science to provide context to a recent experience I've had. Specifically, I'm going to share how powerful your environment is. When you change your environment, you change yourself. Said author and speaker Jim Rohn, Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.

After highlighting the power of environment, I'm going to share just how much my own life has changed as the product of meeting one person. The purpose of this article is to challenge you to more fully examine your own life. How much are you currently growing? Are the people around you helping you grow and evolve?

Consider the process of training fleas. A group of fleas is placed in a jar. Without the lid on the jar, the fleas can easily jump out as they please. However, with the lid in place, the rules of the environment are changed. Now, jumping too high results in smashing into the lid, which doesn't feel so great. Consequently, the fleas adapt to the new rules and quickly become trained not to jump so high. Interestingly, when the lid is removed three days later, the fleas no longer jump out of the jar. A mental barrier had been formed into the collective consciousness, and the group of fleas now has a more constraining set of rules.

But Draye didn't just give me lip-service. He then did something that has changed my life and my perception of business. He said, "I'm going to help you get this off this ground and moving in the next 30 days. This is unacceptable."

Can a person drastically improve his well-being in just one week. I mean from unhealthy food to being healthy and then exercising and build a lot of muscle tissue, start being a social person, breaking anxiety, start working and being really productive, get into learning and stop all bad habits and do only good ones. Or much of a change can actually person realistically achieve? What would happen if a person tried to take all of the life improving tips at once?

We pack our schedules full, hoping that will keep us from stopping long enough to notice our inner lives are in great need of attention. The essence of simplifying your life is recognizing you have intrinsic value by simply being.

Try this 3 by 3 practice each evening for the next 30 days, to get into the habit of it. Make a notebook in evernote for it, use an app, put it on your calendar, or use these free printable lists I made for you! 

Try to do it each day for 30 days (I did at first!) and see how your perspective, confidence and sense of happiness with your life begin to change for the better, and better, and better!

If you want an organized home, getting rid of the clutter has to be your first step because organizing clutter is a huge waste of time. There is no real way of doing it well, so there is no system to keep it up without compromising your quality of life. During the 91 Day Declutter Challenge, we will take care of this important first step!

I always enjoy reading your blogs. Each one is inspiring and gives me encouragement to continue on living my life in the moment while enjoying each small thing along the way. Thank you again for writing with purpose.

Showing up for yourself by getting dressed adds to your internal foundation of self esteem, and carries over into how you feel about yourself in every area of your life, not just how you look. It breeds confidence, which turns into courage, and that leads to action, which brings you results.

My business and my personal life would not be where they are today if I spent my days in yoga pants. I show up to my job as a mom, a wife, and a work-from-home entrepreneur the same way I did when I worked in an office.

When it comes to self-improvement, making small changes over time can lead to big results. This is where 30-day challenges come into play. Setting a specific goal for a month and committing to it can be a powerful tool for personal growth. It easily gives you the momentum needed to create meaningful changes in different parts of your life. Seriously. By committing to small changes and building positive habits, you can transform your life and become the best version of yourself.

The first step to changing your life in 30 days is to get clear on what you want to achieve. Start by writing down all the things you want to change in your life or improve upon within this time frame. You can make the list holistic or zero in on a part of your life you are concerned about. It could be your relationship, finances, eating habits, physical fitness, or general self-care.

After you have chosen the desired part of your life to address, clarify what the aim is with this area. Do you want to be more frugal with finances? Do you want to improve your mental health? Or, do you want to amp up your skincare game? The answer to this possible question based on your chosen aspect serves as the purpose of the entire exercise and every step taken will be towards ensuring this purpose is fulfilled.

Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks that you can accomplish on a daily basis. After all, you DO NOT want to burn out and abandon your plan after just a few days in. The best way to do this is to factor in everyday life and define what actions you need to achieve the set goals. Keep your daily actions simple and achievable. Some examples include:

Starting your day with a positive activity helps you feel more energized and motivated to tackle your daily plans. A good morning routine is a key step towards a positive day where you can meet all your set targets and goals. Plan out your day by prioritizing your tasks and synchronizing them with your schedule for the day in the 30 days plan.

The act of committing to something for 30 days also helps create momentum toward positive change. By focusing on one thing at a time and seeing progress toward your goal, you may feel more motivated to continue making other positive changes in your life. So why not give a 30-day challenge a try and see where it takes you?

Intimacy challenges where there is something special to do every day for the next 30 days are a useful tool to save the flame of your relationship from burning out. Though most of these challenges are self-determined, some examples of intimacy challenges are Communication Challenge, Sex Challenge, Words of Affirmation Challenge, and Acts of Service Challenge.

If the stress on your mental well-being is more from the inside, then consider a 30-Day Gratitude Challenge. Listing out the things you have gotten right and all the things you are thankful for in your life is a good way to boost your self-esteem and shun voices pushing you down with negative thoughts.

Caring for yourself and your personal space involves virtually all the things mentioned earlier but it can also be more specific. Since it involves self, the challenge will depend on what aspect of your life requires change. Self-care and decluttering challenges help you to take care of your mental, physical, emotional, and personal space. They can be used to get rid of bad habits and learn good ones.

Science has it that it could take as little as 18 days to learn a habit. This means 30 days is more than enough time to learn and adopt your new healthy habits. By implementing these tips & tricks, you can easily change many aspects of your life in just 30 days. 006ab0faaa

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