Combining the art of mind sciences with the teachings of Islam, this book is a guide to positive living for every individual facing episodes of negativity in one or another sphere of his life. Surrounded by death and despair, it becomes incredibly difficult for the common man to live with hope, joy and optimism. However, the secret to positive thinking is merely change of perspective, and that is exactly what this book aims to teach.

The third step is to practice being super mindful of where you are comparing yourself to other people. I talk about the compare and despair mindset quite a bit, but the compare to feel better about yourself mindset can be equally damaging.

Change Your Lens Change Your World Pdf Free Download


We can be so attached to our opinions and judgments and that often leads to a rigidity of perspective, leaving you stuck. This bad habit of always looking around to find either ourselves or others better or less than can be such a distraction from the really good, productive work you want to do in your life. 

As a leadership and executive coach, I focus a lot of my time on helping leaders navigate growth and change. Many executives seek out a partner in this process because they know how complex change can be. Often, what's required is not just the desire to change, but the ability to change your view in order to grow.

While experience can make managing change easier it can also make it more difficult because you have become accustomed to the way you have always done things. Whether you are early in your career or an experienced executive, navigating these transitions can be challenging if your previous experience blinds you from what lies ahead. As a leader, it's important to assess how your current perspective might be limiting your view. When the environment around you changes, so must your view.

For example, maybe your organization has historically worked face-to-face and is steeped in the belief that the amount of time you spend in the office is directly related to greater productivity. Now, several of your employees are looking for more flexibility so that they can take a more active role in raising their kids. This is a change to your historic view, but what are some positive ways to view this change? Here's where changing your lens can be a dynamic technique that allows you to see the opportunities that can come from looking at things a different way. Is in-person face time your ultimate measure of effort or are results? A new lens may result in determining that your employees will produce better results if they are able to be more engaged at home. Consequently, this could lead to an increase in staff retention because your employees feel more fulfilled while leading a more balanced life.

Life and business can be unpredictable and, for most of us, navigating change comes down to building our awareness and sometimes letting go of old views to make way for new growth opportunities. Changing your lens and letting go of what got you to where you are now, might just get you where you want to go.

Habits are powerful. With about 40% of our everyday behavior repeated in the form of habits, they shape our very existence, and ultimately, our future (8). Habits, in fact, are key to wellness. For better or worse, habits very much influence health, well-being, and quality of life. If you are striving to improve these, you need to think about habits, because if you change your habits for the better, you change your life for the better (8).

Whatever you believe to be true only seems that way because your subconscious mind goes out of its way to find evidence to support those ingrained beliefs. At the same time, it actively avoids or tries to disprove any evidence to the contrary.

Think about how hard it is to change an ingrained habit or seemingly perpetual thought process. Your conscious mind may think about making changes but your subconscious, where the habits have been etched, will keep pulling you into the same rut.

That feels so much better! Same life, different lens. Nothing changed on the outside, but everything changed on the inside. You can do this exercise with literally anything or anyone. I tried it on my ex-husband, who has been at the root of many of my recent troubles. Here he is through the eyes of fear:

One of my favorite pieces of wisdom to live by is that our life is a reflection of the perspective we hold about it. When you look at the current state of your life, what does it reflect? What does it reflect about who you are and how you see yourself? Your relationships? Your work? Your hobbies? Your life purpose? Is your life a sequence of extraordinary moments strung together to make a richly diverse tapestry, or a mundane ordinary paint stroke on a bleak canvas day after day?

We do not need to be in any artificial state of bliss in every moment, but there is a difference between being alive and actually living life. So how are you living your life? Are the majority of your hours of each day joy-filled? Do you most often feel great, blissful and satisfied? Is there awe, wonder and excitement in how you live? Or is there a monotonous, frustrating, pessimistic, or lifeless and perhaps even angry or cynical pattern to your life?

If you can relate more to the second way of living, perhaps it is time to change the lens through which you are viewing the world. If you are content with the way your life painting looks like, then of course there is nothing to change. But if you are yearning for a richer experience, and more importantly know that you are worth more and life has so much more potential than you are tapping into, then I invite you to read on as we explore ways to bring some extraordinary into an ordinary life.

Instead of seeing a particular situation through the lens of fear, change to the lens of love. This is perhaps the most powerful lens to change, and the two lenses that most of us use most of the time to view the world through. Love generates joy, bliss and happiness. Fear generates worry, anxiety, and disharmony. You will always easily know which lens you are using, based on how you are feeling.

Here are some more lenses to consider changing: instead of the lens of frustration, change to the lens of patience; instead of resistance, change to the lens of acceptance; instead of boredom, change to the lens of awe; instead of ordinary, change to the lens of extraordinary.

By changing the lenses you view life through, you literally change your life. You may not change what you have, but you will change how you feel, and that will change your view of what you have. Before you know it, you will be surrounded by rainbows and butterfly wings, and experiencing some wild things, making for one awesome life experience!

What about when you are lying in bed, unable to do the things you wish because your body has lost its natural harmony and needs some rest or recuperation? Can you switch from the lens of victim or from the lens of resentment, to the lens of gratitude, healing and empowerment, embracing the extraordinary in that moment?

The examples are many. The point is that no matter what life example(s) we have, each one has something so profound in common. That being, the aspect of choice. No matter how your life may be this very moment, if you are unable to change the circumstances you still always have the option of choice. In this case the choice to look at it in a new way by changing the lens through which you view and experience it.

Therefore whether we see life, and all of the events in it from the smallest to the biggest as ordinary or extraordinary, all depends on the lens we are choosing to view them through. How rich you make your life experience is completely in your hands regardless of where you live or what you do for work, or the size of your home, or bank account, or whether you have a spouse, or kids, or a pet.

There is perhaps no faster way to live in an extraordinary way than when we bring in these aspects. No wonder the natural state of being for children is happiness, where smiles and laugher are their main expressions. Well, now they can be yours (again) too! e24fc04721

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