Now netbeans drops the war file it generates into the target folder. Is there a way I can tell netbeans to drop the war file into the tomcat webapps folder so that I can also debug that war from netbeans?

I have managed to install the download assistant and am downloading the V11 pro files. I started to hit the download button for each individual file then after about 20 mins realized that I had set the target for the files to my C:Users\Downloads\Steinberg drive. This had only about 16Gb of space free which is now filling up.

Change Download Target Folder

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Yes, you can. But as I said, this is just the download folder. After downloading it might by installed to totally different folder. Speaking about the content, you can change the installed folder in the Steinberg Library Manager.

But keep in mind even if you leave the Download Location the same for every product the Download Assistant will create unique sub-folders for each product. So there is no real need to separate them manually.

I want to change the path of my target folder in maven. I am using C:/plugins but when I am updating my maven project I am getting An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Path must include project and resource name: /ProjectName

If you have to find or copy files in Windows 10, you'll find yourself in File Explorer, browsing through folders. By default, File Explorer opens to show Quick Access, a list of your favorite and most recently used folders and files. But what if you want to change the target folder it opens to? Here's how.

From now on, clicking the File Explorer icon in your taskbar will take you to the folder you designated. However, if you open File Explorer some other way -- by clicking Windows Key + E, for example -- you'll still end up at the Quick Access list.

But, when you will create tar as tar -zcvf tmp-folder.tar.gz /tmp/folder and you untar it in /tmp folder, the result will be /tmp/tmp/folder directory ! In such case you have to untar it to / - tar -xf tmp-folder.tar.gz -C /

In my June 6, 2017 newsletter I discussed using the Archive folder and button that Microsoft added to some releases of Outlook 2016. I also wrote about it in the 5th Edition of my Outlook book. In both places I stated that you could change the target folder that the Archive button points to. And I suggested pointing it to the Processed Mail folder.

If you like the one-click approach for filing into the Processed Mail folder, then using a Quick Step to do the same thing is not a bad workaround and more flexible. (Watch free Video #24 at this link for more info on Quick Steps).

I am using Windows 10 and the desktop client. During the installation it created an "ownCloud" folder in c:\myuser\ownCloud for sync. Now the folder is getting too large for my internal HDD and I would like to out source it to an external USB drive. How can I change the local target folder for synchronization the easiest way?

There's a workaround though, to get it working without explicitly removing the local sync folder from the client. You'll need to edit your owncloud.cfg config file to replace the paths of the folders.

In this central post: -server-without-re-downloading-everything/8025/2 I explained how it's done for a different variable (server URL) - In your case you'll need to switch the old folder location in 0\Folders\1\localPath= for the .

This has been quite very requested feature and it's very likely to be implemented in next (2.5) client version - If you have a GitHub account and want to show your support for it don't forget to upvote in: Issue: Be able to move whole sync folderopened by timmieon 2013-01-30Owncloud creates the primary sync folder at~/owncloudIf I move it to /opt the program does not finde it any more.I would... Enhancement Feature

hi All

Our current github-action cicd pipeline is currently using mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:sonar to scan our project. After running sonar scan, I found that the target folder structure had changed.

This is the folder structure that existed before running the sonarscan:

image1591173 32.5 KB

After running sonarscan, the classes folder as well as jar files and other folders that were supposed to be in the target folder were moved outside, and target folder was removed.

image1733160 32.4 KB

My GPO is redirecting users' folders (profile, my documents, downloads etc.) to a DFS namespace, whose target is a folder in my file server. Now I want to change the DFS target to another drive on the same server (which is physically in a different storage). I've been having a hard time deciding on the best way to do this exactly.

I'm thinking that if I just change the DFS target, the current folders won't be moved to the new target. I have to move them manually, but robocopy has issues since I do not have permission on users' profiles. What is the recommended method for this?

To ensure all files are closed, you must go into computer management and, noting the open files, either call the people using them or force them closed. I should have explicitly mentioned this step. Ensure all files are closed on the old, disabled target before doing a final robocopy. Only then enable the new target.

I've created an action to open an app and click on an import button. This launches a mini Finder window for file selection. How can I have Keyboard Maestro select and open a specific folder from within this mini Finder window?

Has anyone successfully change the default target folder check in of objects on a user basis? Currently, all of the users are checking in objects into a main root folder set up in Windchill because that is the default check in location. The only way to avoid checking in object into the root folder, that I know of, is to have the user change the target folder location when they create a new workspace. I would like to set up the system so that when a user checks in objects it goes into their personalize folder within the system. I don't want the user to have to set the target location every time they create a new workspace.

I've read your response and I see what you're proposing... but how would you set the folder by user? I think this technique successfully sets the default checkin folder to a subfolder under the default but without the ability to vary that "Other Folder" by the current users' ID, I think the same problem still exists. Then again, perhaps I'm missing something?

Right - it will store all in the same folder regardless of user. No need to store by folder for each user. Assume that all data is created randomly by any user, then worked over time by any other user.

If you're looking at using a folder per user in order to somehow control permissions, then look again at the use of states (the lifecycle applied to the data); control by group who can do what at each state.

Understood... the original post seems to suggest there's just one big folder everyone is dumping files into. Obviously there should be some "Product" directories to split up the work by project (context). Perhaps there's already a set of Products but there are subfolders for each user inside those products. I was merely point out that if the question was "How do I automatically set each user's default to be their own personal subfolder" then we haven't answered the question.

Sorry for the confusion but by personalized folder I meant project folder. Brian, you are on the right track. Currently our system is set up so that there is only one Product and under product there are project (context) folders setup. I know you can change the checkin location for the group as a whole but I want to vary the checkin for each user. I would like us to be able to manage our data better by project not by the user who created/modified it.

Most organizations have their structure set up a bit different. Usually there are multiple Products and each show up as a potential Context when users create a new workspace. The default folder is set via this Context. As well, when you select Windchill Cabinets from the folder navigator, you're taken to the top level folder of the Product context as a convenience (rather than to the top level of the entire server/Commonspace). If users want to set a specific sub-folder as their default, they can go to their workspace and Edit Preferences to set this.

I am using NitroPDF version It always wants to save a new PDF in the Documents folder where my earlier version of Nitro saved to the last used location. If I'm doing several prints, it gets very tedious to have to navigate back to the correct place.

My issue is kind of the opposite. I have Nitro Pro

Preferences/General has the "Default Location" checked. I follow the above to print to pdf and My Documents shows. Our department has a PDF folder we save everything to. I browse to that folder and set it. The first document will save to the PDF folder, however, any additional documents printed to pdf with revert to My Document and I have to manually browse to the PDF folder.

Also, I uncheck the "Open using default application after creation" and that will also be checked when printing each document.

We are normally printing Excel files to PDF.

It sounds like a problem specific to the Smartware program on your PC. Have you tried uninstalling the Smartware software, and ensured any left over Smartware folder(s) is removed from your PC, then removed the swstor folder form the Public folder of the My Cloud, then reinstall the Smartware software and setup a new backup that points to a different folder on the My Cloud?

It is possible to rename these default folders to their default names. To do this you have to go to Outlook Online and change the email language setting to some other ie. spanish. Then reload the page, logout. Login using private window then change the language back to your preferred language and tick the box below asking if the default folders should be renamed too to match the language. Now the folders are named to default value. In my case somebody had renamed this archive folder and moved into other folder. The name was correct after these steps but I couldn't move the Archive folder in the top mailbox folder which is very disappointing. ff782bc1db

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