Kumud searches Kabir's jeep for evidence, to clear Danny's doubts about Saraswatichandra. She eavesdrops on Kabir's telephonic conversation. Saraswatichandra signs the property papers, and transfers the entire property in Danny's name. Dugba becomes furious at Ghuman for her behaviour towards Kumud and Kusum. Saraswatichandra apologises to Dugba for his mistake. He informs Dugba that he has decided to leave the house. Kumud enters Kabir's room through the window, in search of evidence.

Kumud eavesdrops on Kabir's telephonic conversation, and follows him. She becomes shocked on seeing her aunt, Menaka, speaking with Kabir. Menaka and Kabir discuss about their plan against the Desai family. Later, Kumud enquires Saraswatichandra on seeing the property papers. Saraswatichandra asks Kusum to give the property papers to Danny. Dugba informs Vidyachatur about Ghuman's plan against Kumud and Kusum. Ghuman tries to provoke Danny against Saraswatichandra, but in vain.

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Saraswatichandra informs Kabir that Danny will be signing the cheques henceforth. Ghuman becomes shocked on seeing Menaka in the house. Menaka enquires Ghuman about Laxminandan's health condition. Kumud suspects Kabir and Menaka's behaviour. She records Ghuman and Menaka's conversation. Kusum asks Danny to return the property papers to Saraswatichandra. Ghuman eavesdrops on their conversation. Danny returns the property papers to Saraswatichandra.

An eunuch saves Kumud from a few goons. She decides to help Kumud in finding the owner of the anklet. The eunuch and Kumud enquire several people about Ghuman. Kumud notices Ghuman's picture in a photo studio. However, the studio owner tells her that it is the picture of a famous dancer, Roopmati. Kumud searches for Roopmati. Saraswatichandra becomes worried for Kumud. A stranger tells Kumud that he will take her to Ghuman.

Sunanda tells Kumud about Ghuman's past. Meanwhile, Kumud notices that her mobile phone is missing. Sunanda drops her mobile phone in water. She captures Kumud, and locks her in a room. Saraswatichandra repents for letting Kumud go out alone. The Desai family becomes worried for Kumud. Later, Sunanda informs Ghuman that Kumud is in her captivity. Saraswatichandra fails to find Kumud, and decides to file a missing complaint. Kumud tries to escape from Sunanda's captivity.

Sunanda tries to feed Kumud, forcibly. Kumud vows not to consume food, nor dance in front of the guests. Jugnu requests Sunanda to let Kumud go, but in vain. Mishti's mother informs Saraswatichandra that she had seen Kumud with the anklets, in a shop. Saraswatichandra enquires the shopkeeper and suspects that Kumud might be in Sundarnagar. Kumud and Saraswatichandra recall the moments they have spent together. A girl named Kusum feeds Kumud.

Sunanda's associates witness Saraswatichandra. Saraswatichandra captures one of them. Sunanda instructs Saraswatichandra to release her associate, if he wants to see Kumud alive. She threatens Kumud, and instructs her to dance in front of the guests. Saraswatichandra informs Dugba that Kumud has been kidnapped by Sunanda. He disguises himself as a sheikh, and enters Sunanda's house. Kumud sings a song, instead of dancing.

Ghuman informs Saraswatichandra that she will get Kabir killed. She challenges Saraswatichandra to rescue Kabir. Saraswatichandra and Kumud return to Vidyachatur's house. They inform Vidyachatur, Dugba and Guniyal that his brother, Kabir's life is in danger. They hide the same from Danny. Vidyachatur arranges Saraswatichandra and Kumud's tickets for London. Dugba catches Kalika when she is eavesdropping their conversation. Kalika informs Ghuman that Saraswatichandra and Kumud are planning to go abroad.

Saraswatichandra suggests Kumud to return to Ratnanagari. Danny informs his family that Kabir assumed that they were planning to get him married to Anushka. Kabir apologises to Anushka for troubling her. Anushka informs Kabir that she has overheard his conversation with Danny, and tells him that she does not believe in marriage. Saraswatichandra fails to drop Kumud to the airport. Anushka decides to return to Mumbai. Prashant fails to see Kumud, and enquires Saraswatichandra about her. 2351a5e196

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