About Us

The Champlain Seniors Service Club was established in 2004 and was registered under the Ontario Registration Number 001645954 on March 16, 2005.

CSSC Objectives:

The Champlain Seniors Service Club of Orillia is a non-profit association of retirees and semi-retirees of the Greater Orillia area who subscribe to the ideals of benevolence, loyalty, community service, patriotism and good citizenship; and the advancement of spirituality, good will and justice within their community and across the world. Volunteer service to a wide spectrum of worthy causes, both local and national, is the first obligation of membership. Members subscribe as well to the value of weekly programs which foster enlightenment, provide entertainment, encourage camaraderie and promote mutual support as an important therapeutic aid to those coping with the challenges of aging.

We have weekly meetings held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 34 on the beautiful Orillia waterfront. We publish a monthly bulletin that can be viewed here by clicking on the Sword menu. We have current and archived bulletins that will give you a good idea of the things we do in the community.

A weekly meeting consists of:

Club business,

Pause for thought - a short poignant message provided by a member

The Master of Ceremonies attempts to regale the membership by providing old jokes and good stories interspersed with songs backed up by the music makers and the choir.

An informative and/or entertaining guest speaker completes our meeting .