
Working Papers

Targeted subsidies for water conservation in smallholder agriculture (with Humnath Bhandari, Ashraful Habib and Kyle Emerick), Working Paper

A tale of two roads: groundwater depletion in the North China Plain (with Xiangzheng Deng, Yazhen Gong, Martino Pelli and Qian Zhang), in review.

The industrial organization of groundwater (with E. Somanathan)

Recently Published Papers

The effect of forest access on the market for fuelwood in India (with Branko Boskovic, Martino Pelli and Anna Risch), Journal of Development Economics 2023

Inefficient water pricing and incentives for conservation (with Manzoor Dar and Kyle Emerick), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2023

Vox Dev on the paper

Firm innovation under import competition from low-wage countries (with Runjuan Liu, Ruotao Tang and Long Zhao), The World Economy, 2023.

The economics of rural energy use in developing countries (with Ridhima Gupta and Martino Pelli), forthcoming, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer 2022

Comparing volume and blend renewable energy mandates under a carbon budget (with Jean-Pierre Amigues, Gilles Lafforgue and Michel Moreaux), forthcoming, Annals of Economics and Statistics 2022

Food for Fuel: The Effect of US Energy Policy on Indian Poverty," (with Marie-Helene Hubert and Beyza Ural Marchand), Quantitative Economics, Journal of the Econometric Society, 10(3), 1153-93, 2019 

The Long-Run Impact of Biofuels on Food Prices" (with Marie-Helene Hubert, Michel Moreaux and Linda Nostbakken) Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119(3), 733-767, 2017

Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India(with Martino Pelli and Beyza Ural Marchand), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107, 228-247, 2014.