Buy IR64 Parboiled Rice from Top Rice Exporters in India

Rice is the basic need of any platter to quench hunger. No matter, what you love to eat, but you cannot survive without rice for more days. A variety of options are available and choosing the best one is a vital decision to make. From top rice exporters in India, you can buy a variety and place your order to get delivery right to your address with a complete guide and after customs clearance. Among different options, you can buy IR64 Parboiled rice that is another amazing option will come with a number of added benefits

IR64 Parboiled rice is a semi-dwarf India rice variety with average mature plant height of approx 100cm. It is relatively early duration variety with total growth duration of about 117 days. A significant growth in the demand of this type of rice can be seen in different nations. The wholesalers often look for the top exporters and trading companies to buy IR64 Parboiled rice. If you are looking for this type of rice options, you will have some better options to fulfill your requirement by going online that is counted as one of the convenient ways to enhance your experience.

IR64 Parboiled Rice Is Required in Africa and Gulf Countries

You will find top rice exporters in India who are bringing to you the best range of rice variety and ensuring you will get delivery to your address without any delay. As far as IR64 parboiled rice is concerned, it is the most exported varieties of long grain rice with an average length o 6mm. It is highly popular in Africa and Gulf Countries – mainly because of its good quality and low prices. There is a lot more associated with this type of rice variety. You have to search for the top rice exporters in India and place your order accordingly. Prices are competitive and backed by discounts. Check all details and place your order.