Flask Project on Quantified Self

“Quantified Self” is a habit tracker app, with which one can track activities ranging from running to sleeping. My app has a user comfort login, which means one can just login using one’s username. Once logged in the user sees his/her trackers, each tracker contains the date it was created, its type(Time , Numerical , Multiple Choice, Boolean). You also get options to perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update,Delete) operations on any of the trackers, and the user gets to create a tracker of any of the aforementioned types.The app can accommodate multiple users Upon Clicking the view history button on a tracker one sees all the history of recorded data for a particular tracker, if the tracker_type is Numerical one sees a histogram which gives details of the no. of times a particular value is stored (For example one sees how many times have you run 8 km) One also gets to see average value of the record (For example average weight). The table one sees containing the history of the tracker can also be updated using CRUD operations. You can also add a new activity also, update existing ones or even delete Here are a few screenshots of the app

Skills I learned in this project were,

  1. Developing a complete web app

    1. creating a Database to store data

    2. using bootstrap for frontend Development

    3. Using HTML to create web pages and links to navigate between them

  2. Using Flask module of Python

Areas of Improvement

  1. Using Web APIs for more flexibility

  2. Using JavaScript for DOM Manipulation and client-side rendering

  3. Converting it to a Single Page Application for better usability

  4. Using a better login framework for improved security