36th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW)

The University of Chicago 14-15 October 2022

We are pleased to announce that the 36th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop will be held at The University of Chicago on Friday and Saturday, 14-15 October 2022.

Invited speakers:

Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge University)

Gereon Müller (Leipzig University)

Ad Neeleman (University College London)


10/04 - If you are planning to attend, please register here.

09/20 - The program is now up!

The workshop has been running since 1984 (see the list of previous meetings here) and this will be the second time that CGSW has been hosted in Chicago (the previous one was 2015). We invite abstract submissions on any topic in Germanic syntax, see the Call for papers for more information.

Important dates:

15 July 2022: Submission deadline

18 July 2022: Submission deadline (EXTENDED!)

15 August 2022: Notification of acceptance

14-15 October 2022: Workshop


Jason Merchant

Andrew Murphy

Contact email: cgsw36@uchicago.edu