CGS Student Awards & Presentation Information
The conference this year will be held at Shasta College in Redding, California April 27-29, 2024. Please see for registration information. All presenters must register by Monday, April 8, 2024.
The California Geographical Society invites geography faculty, students, and professionals to present papers, posters, and/or maps at our annual conference. Presentations will take place on the Saturday of the conference weekend. We welcome presentations from across the broad range of geographical topics, regions, and themes. General guidelines are listed here, but please see the presentation specific page for additional submission details.
All presenters must register for the conference. Abstracts for all presentations will be published in the California Geographer. See for details. Deadline to register if you are a presenter is listed on the conference registration page and listed above. Please note that CGS judges reserve the right to not give out awards if there are not enough submissions or if the presentations do not meet the judging criteria.
All papers must be presented within a 15-minute period with 5 additional minutes for questions. The CGS will provide a PC and digital projector for presentations. We recommend you visit your conference presentation room on the Saturday morning of the event to familiarize yourself with the technology used and load your PowerPoint onto the computer ahead of time. You are strongly encouraged to bring backups of all digital media – including a PDF of your presentation. If you have additional needs, please inform the CGS in advance.
Students presenting papers in the student competition must carefully review the Papers page on this site for directions on the judging process. Other paper presenters not participating in the paper award competition may also find this information useful.
All poster presenters will be assigned an appointment time to present to the judges. Students presenting posters in the student competition must carefully review the Posters page on this website for directions and information about the judging process. Other poster presenters not participating in the paper award competition may also find this information useful.
All map presenters will be assigned an appointment time to present to the judges. Students presenting maps in the student competition must carefully review the Cartography page on this website for directions and information about the judging process. Other poster presenters not participating in the paper award competition may also find this information useful.
ALL PRESENTERS must submit their presentation information using the online registration form posted at
Contact CGS Awards Coordinator Dr. Amy Rock, Cal Poly Humboldt: via email if you have questions, comments, or concerns.