
Yearly Conferences:

Innovations in Psychotherapy (Graduate Student Discount)

calpcc (Graduate Student Discount)

Evolutions in Psychotherapy (Graduate Student Discount)

APA Conference

ASCA Conference

CASC Conference (Opportunities to volunteer)

Narrative Therapy Conference (Hosted in Canada)

$1,000 Conference Reimbursement Grant

As a student @ CSUSB, you get $1,000 reimbursed per year to attend conferences.
Find the link to the application HERE.

Please note: This is a REIMBURSEMENT.
You pay upfront, and it may take several weeks to get your $$ back
The grant covers ONLY conference entrance fees.
The grant does NOT cover membership & travel fees

Many conferences offer a graduate student discount.
Make sure to look for that when signing up!

What you'll need for the application:

Eligibility Requirements: