Clemens Graf von Luckner

PhD Candidate, under the supervision of Carmen Reinhart (Harvard University) and Stéphane Guibaud (Sciences Po) at Sciences Po Paris. 

Currently at Harvard University as Doctoral Research Fellow. 

Will join the Global Capital Allocations Project at Stanford Graduate Schas a Postdoctoral Fellow in August. 

Former Economic Advisor / Economist at the World Bank, Office of the Senior Vice President and World Bank Group Chief Economist


Recent OpEds and Blogs

World Bank Blog  with Carmen Reinhartcand Kathryn Holston, also published in French, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin)

VoxEU with Juan Farah Yacoub, Rita Ramalho and Carmen Reinhart


Selected Contributions, Publications and Working Papers

Co-authored chapter 5 on the role of sovereign debt and default risks in the economic recovery of EMDEs from the Covid19- pandemic.  

Media coverage includes: Financial Times and  Financial Times, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, Daily Mail, Le Figaro

 Crédit photo: Alexis Lecomte