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What is "God"?...


SCIENCE HAS THE ANSWER. Quantum mechanics has shown everything is simultaneous particles, when measured or observed, and waves (of probability), when unobserved. Our observation is limited by the psyche to just four dimensions. Analytical psychology tells us there is a collective unconscious beyond our personal psyche and the four dimensions, affecting us, or called a collective psyche, or a life force, or the numinous, or even purpose, or "God", if you will, which creates and directs the material by simple cognizance present since the waves of The Big Bang.
PURPOSE: Everything is made aware through the psyche. Our psyche, of course, is limited to four dimensions, whereas the collective unconscious, psychology says, the numinous*, is not, acting independently from us, but on us, even within us, affecting, guiding, and directing us through individual patterns of behavior. In other words, there is "purpose" of different orders in the universe. Our limitations boxed within four dimensions will never allow us to know or understand it entirely. That’s science.
DEFINING NUMINOUS: The numinous is the bearings of history (best expressed in myth), nature, and human nature, which are all expressions of archetypal patterns of being, direction, and purpose.


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