CFS 2020 in 2021!

Complex Fluids Symposium 2020 (in 2021)

Thursday, 28 January, 2021, online - Zoom

In 2011, a joint research project between Mycronic, Chalmers Technical University (CTH) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) concerning the understanding of the ejection, development and impact of drops of complex fluids was initiated. The research, which is supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR), involves both experimental studies and numerical simulations. An important part of the project is to organize a yearly cross-disciplinary symposium for Swedish industrial and academic parties interested in the fluid mechanics of jetting and complex fluids, either fundamentally or from an applications viewpoint. The goal of this symposium is to help with the proliferation of research results and application requirements. Ample time will also be included to allow for informal discussions. We won't be able to meet up in person this year, but I hope to see many of you online in January!

This year's keynote speaker is the fantastic Prof. Sarah Hormozi from Cornell University! Do not miss this! Please consider having a short talk to present your own work, as well!

Figure 1: Deposition of multiple droplets of solder paste on a printed circuit board.