1st grade

Click the link on the Unit below to find detailed information about each unit, including tips on how to help your child at home.

1st grade: Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

In grade 1 math, your child will:

  • solve addition and subtraction story problems
  • count by ones and tens to 120 read and write numbers to 120, and represent a number of objects up to 120 with a written numeral
  • understand place value by describing what the digits mean in two-digit numbers; use this knowledge to add and subtract
  • add two-digit numbers using at least two different strategies and explain how the strategies work
  • subtract two-digit numbers that are multiples of 10 using at least two different strategies and explain how the strategies work
  • compare two numbers using the symbols >, =, and <
  • add and subtract numbers within 10 efficiently and accurately
  • read or construct a graph and answer questions about the data
  • measure length using non-standard units such as Popsicle sticks, linking cubes, and so on
  • tell and write time to the hour and half-hour on analog and digital clock

Link to 1st grade curriculum map