Videos of performances

Many of these are available from Tom's YouTube channel

Stage works
The Okavango Macbeth: première Botswana opening scene, and another performance
An extract from "The Tumbling Lassie"
An extract from "Dandie Dinmont"

Ninian’s Gift for four voices
Three Tom Fleming Songs for voice and piano
Bogle Boogie for children's choir and orchestra from the Tartan Terrors
Ceilidh and three songs from Scotland at Night
Love over Scotland for wind quintet and singer
We live under a cruel sky, David from Livingstone presumed
Tom singing his own tune to Up in the morning early! by Burns
NYCOS Isle of Lewis Junior choir singing The Wild Haggis from the Tartan Terrors
I will lift up mine eyes (Psalm 121).
Five Auden Songs: performed by solo voice and piano, and by NYCoS National Girls Choir Make this night loveable, If I Could Tell You.
A Silver Lining (SSA)
An adaptation for a solo ensemble of Merry Christmas Jazz
Los Pastores a Belén
Esta Noche here and here
Ye Banks and Braes (SSATBB unaccompanied)
Loch Lomond (SATB unaccompanied)
The Good-Bye Jazz (SATB with optional piano): see performances here and here
An Old Man and his Grandson from The Painter's Eye
Cantata for Peace

A talk and extracts that Tom and Alexander McCall Smith gave about their 12 years of collaboration that resulted in six stage shows and many song cycles, performed multiple times.