We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected by this new coronavirus and those affected in their daily lives due to the pandemic.

CFF has also been affected by Covid 19 as many programmes that have been planned this year have been cancelled. The two major programmes are the work camp and study tour where Japanese students join us to learn more about the work of CFF and also to raise awareness for the marginalised and at risk populations. These programmes have been an important source of income that has helped to finance the needs and offset the expenses of CFF Malaysia Children’s Home. The camps during spring and summer were cancelled due to travel restrictions and closed borders.

Thus, we would like to seek the kind assistance and co-operations of generous donors to aid CFF during this pandemic. The sustainability and survival of CFF at this point of time would depend very much on the generosity of donors to help us through this period.


Currently, in CFF Malaysia, 60% of the finances are covered by workshops previously held in Japan and our working capital was funded by emergency donation from Japan. However, due to the pandemic, we predict that it will take, perhaps, a year before this can be resumed, as such, our financial resources for 2021 is still uncertain.

Due to this, we will be having 2 types of Donation Campaigns:-