Center for Common Ground

Peninsula / South Bay


We are a non-partisan voting rights organization led by people of color. Our mission is to empower under-represented voters of color to fully participate in democracy. We're based in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties.

Call voters of color to fight states' voter suppression laws, get out the vote, and promote civic engagement to improve underserved communities.

Reach out to voters of color to champion their voting rights, and to connect them to local organizations for economic and climate justice.

Interested? Fill out this quick form.

Join our texting crew to inform and energize voters of color

Join Andrea Miller and guest hosts on Thursdays and find out how you can take action on the Center for Common Ground's plans to support democracy and justice, working with communities to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Not sure what you're interested in? Find out what's available. We have a lot to do!

We have done amazing work in 2020 registering and empowering voters of color, as well as promoting civil engagement. Read our Annual Report to find out more.

 Can't find what you need here? Check out CFCG's Volunteer Dashboard.