A Közép-Európai Egyetem tudományos közösségének szolidaritási levele a Magyar Tudományos Akadémiával

Lovász László Professzornak,

a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Elnökének

és Dr. Orbán Viktornak

Magyarország Miniszterelnökének

Alulírottak, a Közép-Európai Egyetem dolgozói, diákjai és öregdiákjai szolidaritásunkat fejezzük ki a Magyar Tudományos Akadémiával és az akadémiai kutató intézetek dolgozóival, akiknek munkáját és megélhetését fenyegeti az intézetek finanszírozásának átszervezése.

Az Országgyűlés által a 2019. évre elfogadott Költségvetési Törvény és az akadémiai kutatóintézetek pénzügyi felügyeletének átruházása az Akadémiáról az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztériumra, amit a kormányközeli sajtó Akadémia-ellenes propagandakampánya kísér, súlyos beavatkozást jelent a tudományos kutatás szabadságába, és aláássa az intézetek fenntarthatóságát. Ezek az intézkedések egyben ellentmondanak Magyarország Alaptörvényének is, amely kimondja: “Tudományos igazság kérdésében az állam nem jogosult dönteni, tudományos kutatások értékelésére kizárólag a tudomány művelői jogosultak. Magyarország védi a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia és a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia tudományos és művészeti szabadságát” (X. Cikk, 2-3. §).

Láthatólag, mindez csak újabb lépés abban a folyamatban, amely a magyar felsőoktatási és tudományos intézmények tudományos szabadságát igyekszik korlátozni. Ez a folyamat előreláthatólag tragikus következményekkel jár nemcsak a magyar tudományra, de az egész magyar társadalomra nézve. A kutatás és oktatás szabadsága ellen irányuló támadás nemcsak, hogy félelmet és anyagi szükséget hoz számos magyar állampolgárnak és családnak, de a szaktudás és a tehetséges fiatalság további külföldre áramlásához fog vezetni. Ezt a veszteséget Magyarország nem engedheti meg magának.

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia intézményes autonómiájának korlátozása előreláthatólag megbénítja a tudományos kutatást, és megbénítja a technológiai és társadalmi haladást, ami nélkül az ország nem nézhet szembe a XXI. század kihívásaival. Hosszú távon pedig lehetetlenné teszi majd egy tudás alapú társadalom felépítését, ami pedig a kormány fejlesztési politikájának elsőrendű célja kellene legyen, és ami nélkül hazánk elveszíti versenyképességét a nemzetközi tudományos közösségben. Ez elkerülhetetlenül vezet a magyar társadalom további elszegényedéséhez és leszakadásához.

Ezért szolidaritásunkat fejezzük ki az MTA kutatóintézeteiben dolgozó kollégáinkkal, és felszólítjuk Magyarország Kormányát, hogy állítsa le a tudományos intézmények ellen folytatott támadásokat. Egyben arra kérjük a tudományos kutatás és a felsőoktatás területén dolgozó kollégáinkat itthon és külföldön, hogy egyesült erővel álljunk ellent a tudományos kutatás szabadságát korlátozni próbáló minden törekvésnek.

Budapest, 2019. február 12.

CEU Community's Open Letter of Solidarity with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

To Prof. László Lovász

President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

and to Dr. Viktor Orbán

Prime Minister of Hungary

We, the undersigned, employees, students, and alumni of Közép-Európai Egyetem (CEU), express our solidarity with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the employees of its research institutes, whose work and subsistence are threatened by the restructuring of the finances of these institutes.

The Budget Act of 2019 passed by Parliament and the transfer of the control over the funding of the Academy’s research institutes to the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, accompanied by a propaganda campaign in the government media against the Academy, constitute a serious case of interference with the freedom of research and undermines the stability of these institutes. Moreover, this move is contrary to the Hungarian Fundamental Law, which stipulates: “The State shall have no right to decide on questions of scientific truth; only scientists shall have the right to evaluate scientific research. Hungary shall protect the scientific and artistic freedom of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Arts” (Article X, § 2-3).

Apparently, this is a further step in a process that aims at curtailing academic freedom of Hungarian institutions of research and higher education. This process would have dramatic effects not only on Hungarian science, but also on the entire Hungarian society. Besides generating fear and misery for many Hungarian citizens and their families, the attacks on the freedom of research and education would lead to an increased emigration of scholars and scientists, mostly young, a further brain drain that Hungary can hardly afford.

Moreover, the interference with the institutional autonomy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences would paralyse academic research and would impede technological and societal progress, both necessary to successfully face the challenges of the 21st century. Finally, in the long run, it would prevent the construction of a knowledge-based society, which should be the primary aim of government policy and without which Hungary would lose its competitivity in the international community. Inevitably, this would lead to a further impoverishment and marginalisation of the Hungarian society.

For this reason, we express our solidarity with our colleagues working in the research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and call upon the Hungarian Government to halt the ongoing attacks on the academic institutions. Also, we are calling upon all our colleagues working in the fields of academic research and higher education in Hungary and abroad, to unite our forces and resist all attempts of interference with the freedom and autonomy of academic research.

Budapest, 12 February 2019

Perczel István, Professor, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Sándor Judit, Professor, Department of Legal Studies, Department of Political Science, CEU

Bodnár Judit, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Fodor Éva, Associate Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Zimmermann Susan, Professor, Department of History, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Geréby György, Associate Professor, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Kis János, Professor, Departments of Philosophy and Political Science, CEU

Bokros Lajos, Professor, Department of Economics and Business, School of Public Policy, CEU

Trencsényi Balázs, Professor, Department of History, CEU

Enyedi Zsolt, Professor, Pro-rector for Hungarian Affairs, Department of Political Science, CEU

Tamás Gáspár Miklós, Visiting Professor, CEU

László Kontler, Professor, Department of History, CEU

Klaniczay Gábor, Professor, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Katalin Szende, Professor, Department of History, CEU

András Bozóki, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Andres Moles, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Zoltán Miklósi, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

György E. Szönyi, Professor, Department of History, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Baukje van den Berg, Faculty, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Alice Mathea Choyke, Associate Professor, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Zsuzsanna Reed, Faculty, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Gergely Csibra, Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Hanoch Ben-Yami, Professor, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Elissa Helms, Associate Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Charles Shaw, Assistant professor, Department of History, CEU

Marie-Pierre Granger, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, International relations and Legal Studies, CEU

Andrea Kirchknopf, Lecturer, Center for Academic Writing, CEU

Szabolcs Pogonyi, Associate Professor, Program Director, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Bela Greskovits, Professor, Department of international Relations, Department of Political Science, CEU

Borbala Farago, Faculty, Center for Academic Writing, CEU

Krizsán Andrea, Research Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, CEU

Katalin Farkas, Professor, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Tim Crane, Professor, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Daniel Bochsler, Assistant professor, Nationalism Studies Program, Department of Political Science, CEU

Attila Fölsz, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Simonovits Gabor, Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Kata Orosz, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Laszlo Bruszt, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Eszter Polgari, Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Máté Lengyel, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Mate Nikola Tokic, Visiting Professor, Department of International Relations, Department of History, CEU

Gábor Gyáni, Visiting Professor, Department of History, CEU

Csilla Kollonay Lehoczky, Professor Emerita, Legal Studies Department, CEU

András BOZÓKI, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Szalai Júlia, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, CEU

Jozsef Fiser, Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Zsolt Czigányik, Humanities Initiative Fellow, Department of Political Science, CEU

Luca Varadi, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Marton Rovid, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Téglás Erno, Associate Research Fellow, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Alexandra Kowalski, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, CEU

Peter Mihalyi, Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Anil Duman, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Viktória Vajnai, , Instructor, Romani Studies Program, CEU

Veres Judit, Researcher, Center for European Union Research, CEU

Thomas Fetzer, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, CEU

Armen Mazmanyan, Senior Core Fellow, Center for Advanced Study, CEU

Dr. Bak János Mihály, Professor Emeritus, Medieval Studies, CEU

Dean Starkman, Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, Center for Media Data and Society, CEU

Amalie Frese, Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, CEU

Francisca de Haan, Professor, Department of Gender Studies, Department of History, CEU

Huoranszki Ferenc , Professor, Department of Philosophy , CEU

Andre Thiemann, Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Jasmina Lukic, Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Daniel Large, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Fabiani Jean Louis, Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Céline Cantat, Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Studies, CEU

Maria Kronfeldner, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Maciej Kisilowski, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Katrin Kinzelbach, Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Simon Rippon, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Josefine Baark, , Early Modern Studies Fellow, Department of History, CEU

Nadia Jones-Gailani, Assistant Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Carsten Schneider, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Matthijs Bogaards, Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Michael L. Miller, Associate Professor, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Natalie Sebanz, Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Kaufmann Marc, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Iulius Rostas, Chair, Romani Studies Program, CEU

Mathieu Charbonneau, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Karl Hall, Associate Professor, Department of History, CEU

Thilo Bodenstein, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Oksana Sarkisova, Research Fellow, Blinken OSA,

Curie Virág, Visiting Faculty, Department of Philosophy, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Nenad Dimitrijevic, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Matthias Riedl, Associate Professor, Department of History, CEU

Tolga U. ESMER, Assistant Professor, Department of History, CEU

Tijana Krstic, Associate Professor, Department of Medieval studies, , CEU

Sanjay Kumar, Academic Writing Instructor, Centre for Academic Writing, Department of History, CEU

Nino Abzianidze, Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, CEU

Mihály Fazekas, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Uwe Puetter, Faculty, School of Public Policy, CEU

David Weberman, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Gábor Tóka, Professor, Department of Political Science, CEU

Tibor Tajti, Professor, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Dóra Mérai, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cultural Heritage Studies Program, CEU

Janos Kertesz, Professor, Department of Network and Data Science, CEU

Levente Littvay, Associate Professor, Political Science, CEU

Carsten Wilke, Professor, Department of History, CEU

Günther Knoblich, Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Eszter Timar, Assistant Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Zentai Violetta, Research Fellow, Co-director, Center for Policy Studies, CEU

András Sámuel GÁBOR, Instructor, Source Language Teaching Group, CEU

Mária M. Kovács, Professor, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Kate Coyer, Visiting Faculty, School of Public Policy, Center for Media Data and Society, CEU

Cristina Corduneanu-Huci, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Günhan Börekçi, Visiting Professor, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Cameran Ashraf, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Zsuzsanna Szálka, External Faculty, Medieval Studies, CEU

David Ross Ridout, Director, Center for Academic Writing, CEU

Ute Falasch, Research Fellow, Center for Religious Studies, CEU

Hadley Zaun Renkin, Assistant Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Agnes Melinda Kovacs, Associate Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Violeta Besirevic, Research Associate, Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine, CEU

Hyaesin Yoon, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies, CEU

Michael LaBelle, Jean Monnet Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Miklós Koren, Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Arieda Muço, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Benjamin Schrader, Visiting Professor, Bard Globalization and International Affairs program, CEU

Tiziana Centofanti, Faculty, School of Public Policy, CEU

Martin Kahanec, Professor, SPP, CEU

Botond Koszegi, Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Vlad Naumescu,Associate Professor, Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Hegedüs Pál, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and its Applications, CEU

Agnieszka Mrozik, Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, CEU

Diane Stone, Centenary Professor, CPS and SPP, CEU

Daniel Monterescu, Associate Professor, , Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Ferenc T Meszaros, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Wolfgang Reinicke, Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Nadia Al-Bagdadi, Professor, Department of History, CEU

Csaba Pléh, Visiting Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Dorit Geva, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Maria Bertel, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Ildiko Csepregi , Visiting Professor, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Jessica Lawrence, Assistant Professor, Legal Studies, CEU

Petra Bárd, Visiting Faculty and ResearcherDepartment of Legal Studies, CEU

Nagy Boldizsár , Associate Professor, CEU

Brett Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of History, CEU

Péter Szilágyi, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Guntra Aistara , Associate Professor, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Laure Guirguis, Thyssen Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, CEU

Max Gillman, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Sara Svensson, Research Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, CEU

Tomasz Hen-Konarski, Visiting Lecturer, Department of History, CEU

Aziz Alazmeh, Professor, Department of History, CEU

Mink András, Research Fellow, Blinken OSA Archivum

Ian M. Cook, Research Fellow, Center for Media, Data, and Society, CEU

Noemie Duhaut, Postdoctoral Fellow, Nationalism Studies, Jewish Study Program, CEU

Ana Belen Amil, Gender Equality Officer, Center for Policy Studies, CEU

Eva Lafferthon, Coordinator, Department of Political Science, CEU

Johanna Tóth, Program Coordinator, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Katalin Szimler, Coordinator, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Lilla Nagy, Research coordinator, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Melinda Molnar, Research coordinator, Department of Economics and Business Administration, CEU

Márta Jombach, Office Manager, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Krisztina Szabados, Departmental Coordinator, Department of Environmental Sciences & Policy, CEU

Lafferthon, Judit, Executive Assistant of the Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

András Vereckei, Research assistant, Department of Economics and Business, , CEU

Agnes Leyrer, Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office, CEU

Cristina Balint-Nagy, Career Advisor, Career Services, CEU

Giavana Margo, Junior Researcher, School of Public Policy, CEU

Szilágyi Csaba, Head of the Human Rights Program/Acting Chief Archivist, Blinken OSA Archivum

Jenei Andrea, Coordinator, Social Mind Center, CEU

Ildiko Chikan, Program Assistant, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Bodogán Éva Barbara, coordinator, Summer University, CEU

Finta Gyorgyne, Coordinator, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Sabet Nady, Cafeteria Manager, Cafeteria Manager, CEU

Laszlo Flora, Acting-Director, Community Engagement Office, CEU

Hegedüs Judit, Staff, Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives, CEU

Griecs Henriett, Senior Program Manager, School of Public Policy, CEU

Ildiko Tropa, Program Coordinator, Department of Political Science, CEU

Vanda Derzsi, Lab Manager, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Molnár Szilvia, Staff, Alumni Relations Office, CEU

Szabó Noémi, Financial Coordinator, Ceupress, CEU

Kiss Tamás, IT Support Specialist, CEU

Elekes Fruzsina, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Szilvia Kardos, Executive Assistant, Provost's office, CEU

Katalin Nagy, Manager, ACRO, CEU

Zsuzsanna Kocsis, Staff, CREO, CEU

Rédai Dorottya, Researcher, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Vanda Mohacsi, Senior Officer, European Research Council Projects Team, Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office, CEU

Tófalvi Zselyke, Program Coordinator, Center for European Neighborhood Studies, CEU

Kulik Gabriella, Staff, Student Records Office, CEU

Katalin Marton, Staff, Library, CEU

Mikó Katalin, Project Coordinator, Campus Redevelopment Office, CEU

Aleksandr Korobeinikov, Staff, History, CEU

Eszter Fügedi, Coordinator, DSPS, CEU

Veronika Orosz, Program coordinator, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Esther Holbrook, Coordinator, Center for Religious Studies, CEU

Sebestyén Krisztina, Staff, Dormitory, CEU

Aranka Szabó, Digital Content Manager, Communications Office, CEU

Gábor Zsuzsa, Director, Academic Cooperation and Research Support, CEU

Zsuzsanna Agoston, School Academic Curriculum Coordinator, School of Public Policy, CEU

Cristina Simona Bangau, Staff, Open Learning Initiative, CEU

Dániel Sturm, Research Assistant, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Ágnes Havasi, Librarian, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Fatime Plótár, Executive Assistant, Dean of Students Office, CEU

Robert Danyi, Research Assistant, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

James Strachan, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Ildiko Rull, Hungarian Media Relations Manager, Communications Office, CEU

Maja Skalar, Program Coordinator, Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education, CEU

Julia Molnar, Senior HR Coordinator, Human Resources Office, CEU

Miko_aj Hernik, Associate Research Fellow, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Shwetha Nair, Staff, HRSI, CEU

Szabo Matyas, Manager, Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education, CEU

Jessie Labov, Resident Fellow, CMDS, CEU

James Dunne, PhD Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Tatiana Yarkova, Academic Secretary, Office of Academic Secretary, CEU

Shtokvych Oleksandr, Senior Program Manager, Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education, CEU

Vitrai Edit, Coordinator, Department of Cognitive Sciences Department, CEU

Jonathan Hunter, Media and Visual Education Assistant, Library, CEU

Eszter Bordas, Staff, Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office, CEU

Gedeon Eva, Executive Director, CEU Summer University, CEU

Drosztmér Ágnes, Coordinator, Cultural Heritage Studies Program, CEU

Marius Dragomir, Director, CMDS, CEU

Nena Grceva, Alumni Relations, CEU

Noemi Anna Kovacs, Officer, Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office, CEU

Sanja Tepavcevic, Staff, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Zsámboki Miklós, Project Outreach, OSA

Logan Strenchock, Alumni & Environmental and Sustainability Officer, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Thom Scott-Phillips, Senior Researcher, Cognitive Science, CEU

Marek Hojsik, Staff, Centre for Policy Studies, CEU

Kozma Blanka, Staff, Library, CEU

Molnár Péter, Director of the ‘Hate Speech’ Monologues, Office of Dean of Students, CEU

Eva Vas, European Grants and Projects Officer ACRO, CEU

Serge Sych, Enrollment Careers and Alumni Programs, CEU

Nurangiz Khodzharova, Coordinator , Alumni Relations Office, CEU

Ágnes Barla-Szabó, CEU Press, CEU

Guba Judit, Human Resources Office, CEU

Jamie Hoversen, Career Services Office, CEU

Béni Boróka, Executive Assistant, School of Public Policy, CEU

Kovács Gyöngyi, Student Records Office, CEU

Judit Uzonyi-Tompa, Center for Academic Writing, CEU

Borbala Darabos, Program Coordinator, Department of Political Science, CEU

Aniko Molnar, Coordinator, Department of History, CEU

Bognar Eva, Senior Program Officer, Center for Media, Data and Society, CEU

Asztalos Lilla, Research Assistant, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Maria Lieberman, Office of the Academic Secretary, CEU

Dina Omanova, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Filip Bojani, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Arnold Kovács, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Giorgia Brucato PhD Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Jakab Zalán Tamás, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Mák Viktor, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Jack Atmore, Student, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Michalł Machalski, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Jordan Voltz, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Charlotte Drath, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Monika Kubová, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Fischer Paula, Student, Department of Cognitive Science Department, CEU

Ahmed Bakr, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Iveta Gogava, Student, Department of History, CEU

Max de Blank, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Orsolya Udvar, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Ryan Switzer, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Kapran Igor, Student, Semmelweis University

Marta Chmielewska, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Craciun Daniela, PhD Student, Doctoral School of PS & PP & IR, CEU

Matej Voda, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Eve Rogers, Student, Department of History, CEU

Bridget Kelly, Student, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Adrien Beauduin, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Anna Kinde, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Giacomo Mariani, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Hanna Bargheer, Student, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, CEU

Ágnes Katalin Kelemen, Student, Department of History, CEU

Bartosz Matyja, Student, Department of History, CEU

Dunja Milenkovic, Student, Department of Medieval Studies Department, CEU

Jinsi Jayapalan Rathnakumari, Student, Department of Medieval Studies

Roman Tymoshevskyi, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Török Georgina, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Iliana Kandzha, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Erica Mildner, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Agnes Kende, PhD Student, History, CEU

Perica Jovchevski, Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, CEU

Horn Péter, Student, Economics and Business/Economic Policy in Global Markets, CEU

Alberto Fierro, PhD Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, CEU

Csete Katona, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Bálint Varga, PhD Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Dobi Csenge, Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Tünde Komori, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Hushegyi Ádám, Student, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Tea Hlaca, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Miriam Kaniokova, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Zainab Shumail, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Lora Tomas, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Andy Chen, Student, Medieval Studies, CEU

Eszter Jakab, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Elettra Repetto, PhD Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, CEU

Eszter Farkas, Student, Political Science Department, CEU

Mécs János, Student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Réka Krizmanics, PhD Student, Department of History, CEU

Gál András, PhD Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, CEU

Irina Redkina, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Lucie Janotová, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Kathryn burns, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Bettina Pocsai, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Antrophology, CEU

Andrew Cragg, PhD student, Department of History, CEU

Anastasia Theologou, PhD student, CEU

Orsolya Vasarhelyi, PhD student, Department of Network and Data Science, CEU

Burtejin Zorigt, PhD student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Rácz Eszter, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Berkin Secme, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Benedict Stefani, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Luis G. Natera, PhD student, Department of Network and Data Science, CEU

Debarun Ghosh, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, CEU

Cemre Aydogan, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Atsuko Tominaga, PhD student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Felix Bender, PhD student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Faruh Kuziev, PhD student, Department of History, CEU

Cynthia Adjovi Mawuli, Student, Department of Medieval studies, CEU

Katalin Amon, PhD student, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, CEU

Azamat Askar, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Alicia Morry, Student, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Hendrik Hinrichs, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Ifra Asad, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Alhakam Shaar, Research Fellow, Shattuck Center on Conflict Negotiation and Recovery at SPP, CEU

Judit Boros, PhD student, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Jason Snider, Student, Medieval Studies, CEU

Filip Filipov Lyapov, PhD student, Department of History, CEU

Elvira Ibragimova, Student, Department of History, CEU

Justin Leuba, Student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Bairma Damdinova, Student, Environmental sciences, CEU

Juliana Pereira, PhD student, DNDS, CEU

Anna Sugiyama, Student, Department of History, CEU

John Kee, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Kamila Potocarova, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Mackenzie Nelson, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Barbu, Student, Cognitive Science, CEU

Daniel Baksa, PhD student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Culver Karen, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Antonia-Oana Avram, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Marius Jakstas, Student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Kiera Wilkins, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Benedek Farkas, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Sunna Kokkonen, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Tea Klari, Student, Medieval Studies Department, CEU

Dachi Pachulia, Student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Tamás Reinicke, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Maarten van Doorn, PhD student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Mandula van den Berg, Student, Department of Sociology, CEU

Mário Kajan, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Mijat Kostic, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Nora Gobel, Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Fatemeh Yazdani, Student, Department of Sociology and social anthropology, CEU

Kónya Anna, PhD student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Michele Luchetti, PhD student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Samuel A. Huckleberry, PhD student, Department of History, CEU

Sahar Haq, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Ivana Mihaela _imbrek, PhD student, Department of History, CEU

Nima Mussavifard, PhD student, Department of Cognitive science, CEU

Michael Zeller, PhD student, Doctoral School of Political Science, CEU

Anmol Ahmed, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Dana Rose McKelvey, PhD student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Oleksandr Semenii, Student, SPP, CEU

Nirvana Silnovic, Student, Department of Medieval Studies Department, CEU

Luca Flóra Drucker, PhD student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Stanimir Panayotov, PhD student, Department of Gender studies, CEU

Ieva Lukosiunaite, PhD student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Stephen Pow, PhD student,CEU

Thomas Wolf, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Antonova Natalya, PhD student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Martino Comelli, Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, CEU

Sharmin Akter Jahan, Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

maria stambler, Student, Department of Environmental Sciences, CEU

Mirkamran Huseynli, Student, CEU

Mariam Begadze, PhD student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Borbála Bretus, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Jan Charvát, Student, Department of History, CEU

Karen Stark, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Erika Marteleira, Student, CEU

Adela Hincu, PhD student, Department of History, CEU

Toni Milevoj, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Mia Karabegovi_, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Viktor Zoltan Kazai, PhD student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Feng Qian, Student, CEU

Vanbasten Noronha de Araújo, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Jennifer C Edwards, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Dragan Kuljanin, Student, School of political science, CEU

Zhiwei Gu, PhD student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Julia Perczel, PhD student, Department of Network and Data Science, CEU

Daniel Kovarek, PhD student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Victor Rotari, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Vojtech Pojar, Student, Department of History, CEU

Setu Bandh Upadhyay, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Melody Barron, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Natalia Kovyliaeva, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Jani Korhonen, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Teodora Miljojkovic, Student, Department of legal studies, CEU

Wouter Torbeyns, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Mirko Djukovic, Student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Topuzidu Jázmin Xénia, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Isaak van Dijke, Student, Department of History, CEU

Emese Muntán, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU, CEU

Man-kong Li, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Una Blagojevic, Student, Department of History, CEU

Daniel Anyim, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Mariia Zimina, Student, Department of History, CEU

Reka Branyiczki, Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, CEU

Anastasia Kvasha, Student, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Freya Cumberlidge, Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, CEU

Shehreen Ataur Khan, Student, Gender Studies, CEU

Taraf abu Hamdan, Student, School of public policy, CEU

Mahendran Chokkalingam, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Andres Sarabia, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Alexandra Talaver, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Tilde Siglev, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Lauritz Guldal Einarsen, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Arslan Akanov, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Anne-Sophie Henrich, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Cynthia Ibale, Student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Daniel Knox, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Jessica Nogueira Varela, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Bahruz Samadov, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Lakatos Dóra, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Jana Hrckova, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Mariia Semashyna, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

PETAR ODAK, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Sergi Moles Grueso, Student, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Barnabás Szabó, Student, Department of History, CEU

Andrea Gallegos, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Isabelle K., Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Réka Koritár, Student, Nationalism Studies, CEU

Burai Erna, Student, Department of International Relations, CEU

Yuriy Koshulap, Student, Department of History, CEU

Sara Elizabeth Swerdlyk, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Jesse Brimmer, Student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Sanda Sandu, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Lili Toth, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Amadou Keita, Student, Department of Mathematics, CEU

Sanja Miljan, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Piret Karro, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Joel Gordon, Student, Department of Environmental Sciences, CEU

Zsófia Veér, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Dorottya Fekete, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Zsuzsa Nagy-Sándor, Student, Cultural Heritage Studies, CEU

Saheem Khizar, Student, SPP, CEU

Floor van't Ende, Student, Gender Studies department, MA student, CEU

Zádor Zsófia, Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Mila Bajic, Student, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Katarina Beširević, Student, Department of History, MA student, CEU

Ida Hillerup Hansen, PhD Student, CEU

Hulya Duyan, Student, Department of Mathematics and Its Applications, CEU

Pal Galicza, Student, Department of Mathematics and Its Applications, CEU

Κώστας Μπαράκος, Student, CEU

Gustavo Montagna von Zeschau, Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Zowey Lidyard, Student, Department of Environmental Sciences & Policy, CEU

Jakub Gawkowski, Student, Department of History ,CEU

Flora Ghazaryan, PhD Student, Department of History Department, CEU

Jule Landwehrkamp, Student, Department of History, MA, CEU

Jan Jacob Vogelaar, Student, School of Public Policy, Graduate Public Policy Student, CEU

Sukhrob Fayz, Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Policsko Krisztina, Student, Department of Nationalism Studies, Master, CEU

Johannes Mahr, PhD Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Rosa, Student, Department of Gender Studies, Masters, CEU

Djunda Dragan, Student, CEU

Anatoly Reshetnikov, Student, Department of International Relations, PhD Candidate and Instructor, CEU

Lucia Szemetova, Student, Nationalism studies, MA, CEU

Edina Bulatovic-Hajnal, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Kalashnikova Olga, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Florina, Student, Economic Policy in Global Markets, MA, CEU

Adnan Schubert, Student, Roma Graduate Preparation Program, CEU

Madarász Levente, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, PhD candidate, CEU

Helena Margarida Lopes da Silva Braga, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Marija Ivanovic, Student, Nationalism Studies, MA, CEU

Tamara Cvetkovic, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Otávio Mattos Camara, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, PhD Student, CEU

Adrija Maitra, Student, Department of Gender Studies, M.A. student, CEU

Caitlin Wyndham, Student, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, CEU

Kata Páli, Student, School of public policy, MPA, CEU

Rosamaria Romanelli, Student, Department of Philosophy, Phd student, CEU

Laura Schlingloff, Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Qiu Zhitian, Student, Department of Sociology and Social anthropology, CEU

Cheyenne van der Zanden, Student, Nationalism Studies Program,CEU

Alexandra Medzibrodszky, Student, Department of History, PhD student, CEU

Nils Oellerich, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

András Vaski, Student, Department of Political Science, MA, CEU

Szijarto Imre, Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Bernadett Sebály, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Unige Bencze, PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Ameni Mehrez , PhD Student, Department of Political Science, CEU

Bruno Hasa, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Anastasiia Khodyreva, Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Olivér Kiss, PhD Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Simily Sabu, PhD Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Ivana Pruchova, Student, Department of History, CEU

Andrei Macsut, PhD Student, Department of political Science, CEU

Vivek Anand Voora, PhD Student, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

László Kszeghy Student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Hoveman Frederick, Student, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Emy Merin Joy , Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Beatrix Vas, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Teresa Geidel, Student, School of Public Policy, CEU

Alexandra Ghit, PhD Student, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Francesca Bonalumi, PhD Student, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Balsa Lubarda, PhD Student, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Steffen Bettin, PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Cihan Erdost Akin, PhD Student, International Relations, CEU

Jake Agliata, Student, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Ioannis Cangosz, Student, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Nina Soulier, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Astrea Pejovic, Student, Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Nora Eörsi, Student, Politics and Philosophy, CEU

MennaTullah Atta, Student, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Tali Akuka, Student, Department Political Science, CEU

Perczel Júlia, Alumni, Department Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Frederik Forrai Ørskov, Alumni, History, CEU

Kelemen Balázs, Alumni, Economics, CEU

Agnes Schram, Alumni, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Fanni Beck, Alumni, Nationalism studies, CEU

Ferenczi László, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Christopher Wendt, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Anna Kuznetsova, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Dea Gigauri, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Alexandra Barmina, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Katharina Hahslinger, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Stanislav Mohylnyi, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Alumni, Institute for Advanced Study, CEU

Jelena Belic, Alumni, Department of Political Science, CEU

Ian Mazitov, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Peter Susanszky, Alumni, Department of Philosophy, CEU

Ivan Tranfi, Alumni, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Natasa Szabó, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Jelena Gajic, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Julian B. Adam, Alumni, Department of Economics, CEU

Yulia Karpova, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Zukhra Kasimova, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Károly Tóth, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Mara Tissera Luna, Alumni, School of Public Policy, CEU

Stefan Guvica, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Thiha Maung Maung, Alumni, School of Public Policy, CEU

Cody James Inglis, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

James Michael Gresock, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Denis Tatone, Alumni, Department of Cognitive Science, CEU

Taba Szabolcs, Alumni, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Giovanna Monteiro Sidney, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Sabrina Paillé, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Glenda Huerto, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Alex Etl, Alumni, Department of International Relations, CEU

Wiktor Marzec, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Szabó Alexandra, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Sidney Alberto Castillo Cardenas, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, MA, CEU

Orsolya Varró, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Hillary Bett, Alumni, Department of Economics and Business Studies, CEU

Šimon Trlifaj, Alumni, SPP, MPA, CEU

Laura Schmitz, Alumni, Department of Cognitive Science, PhD, CEU

Ubránkovics Ádám, Alumni, Business School, CEU

Csaba Olasz, Alumni, History, PhD, CEU

Sadie Luetmer, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, MA, CEU

Sam Hurulean, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Stella Andrada Kasdovasili, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Silvia Fierascu, Alumni, Department of Political Science, CEU

Nirjhar Mukherjee, Alumni, Department of Political Science, CEU

Claire Lops, Alumni, Department of Legal Studies Department, Student, CEU

Georgiana Turculet, Alumni, Department of Political science, PhD, CEU

Dan Zeman, Alumni, Department of Philosophy, MPhil, CEU

Kelsey Brunasso, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Ena-Kamila V. Guerrero, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, , CEU

Mercedes Pittamiglio, Alumni, Department of Gender studies, Master, CEU

Chen Shaua Fui, Alumni, School of Public Policy, CEU

Maria Temmes, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Molnár Klaudia, Alumni, Department of Economics and Business, CEU

Malak Harb, Alumni, Department of Legal studies, Alumna, CEU

Johanna Hirsch, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Forgács Bálint, Alumni, Cognitive Development Centre, CEU

Noemi Gonda, Alumni, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Federico Pozzoni, Alumni, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

Selin Cagatay, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Yuliya Kanygina, Alumni, Department of Philosophy, CEU

István Szabó, Alumni, Former CEU Business School, CEU

Roman Urbanowicz, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Katarina Poliakova, Alumni, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Veli Başyiğit, Alumni, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, CEU

Majorossy Judit, Alumni, Department of Medieval Studies, CEU

Marleen Bornat, Alumni, Department of Political Science, CEU

Marek Simon, Alumni, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

Anna Azarova, Alumni, Department of Gender Studies, CEU

Tóth Zsombor, Alumni, Department of History, CEU

Eli Cloonan, Alumni, International Relations, CEU

Olesya Bondarenko, Alumni, CEU

Emma Gothár, Alumni, Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU

Holger Thiel, Alumni, Philosophy, CEU

The list of signatures has been last updated on Monday 19 February at 8:00 pm.

You can sign the letter here.