Reading About Giftedness

Articles about Giftedness


Asynchronous Development

Imposter Syndrome​​

In the Classroom



Mental Health (Anxiety)




Books about Giftedness

If This is a Gift, Can I Send It Back? by Jen Merrill A quick but enjoyable read about the gifted/2e student. Jen Merrill is a parent and blogger who shares honestly about the journey they have taken with her son, "incessant curiosity in crocs". 

Born on a Blue Day  by Daniel Tammet, an autistic savant. WOW! He sees numbers as colors and shapes, can identify every prime number into the 9000s, and has memorized 22,514 digits of pi! His ability to describe how he thinks and sees things is very insightful. He touches on perfectionism, and other characteristics associated with giftedness. 

What To Do When Your Kid Is Smarter Than You by Linda Levitt is a practical guide for parents and teachers for helping to understand gifted children

Blogs About Giftedness

The Fringy Bit - this is Heather Boorman's website - lots of good info here

Laughing at Chaos - Lisa writes from the perspective of a parent of two gifted boys, one who is 2-E

Teach a Gifted Kid - great teacher out of the Houston area

Gifted Parenting Support- a parenting perspective

Krissy Venosdale - Krissy writes from the perspective of a teacher as well as the parent of a twice-exceptional child

Gifted Guru - Lisa writes about all things gifted

Crushing Tall Poppies - parent perspective

Byrdseed - Ian brings lots of perspectives to the table - GT adult, former teacher, differentiation guru

My Little Poppies - homeschooling mom, lots of insight and some great teaching ideas