Cervicornoides Stauffer, 1938

Original description - Dental units consisting of a long slightly arched bar, which may be bowed or curled. Its under edge slightly furrowed or grooved, but may appear to be keeled. Anterior limb nearly straight, with a series of straight or slightly curving denticles usually alternating with groups of smaller ones. Posterior limb slightly curved, with double series of denticles, which may be nearly vertical but usually incline to posterior. Cusp rounded or flattened in front, curving inward, inclined with posterior denticles, base extending down across bar to form part of enclosure to deep pit beneath.

Type species - Cervicornoides alternatus Stauffer, 1938.

Age range - Devonian (Stauffer, 1938).


- Stauffer, C. R. (1938) - Conodonts of the Olentangy Shale. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 12(5): pp. 411-443.