CeraCare Reviews - Does This Pills Work || Scam?

What is CeraCare?

Cera Care is a blood sugar support supplement that aims to increase cardiovascular health and maintain healthy glucose metabolism. Conceptualized and executed by trio Christine, Dr. Jihn and medical researcher Michael, CeraCare can naturally improve other areas of health as well, which is what makes it quite intriguing.

At the time of writing, this solution was advertised as being ideal for those who fall under the category of “blood sugar levels already in a normal range,” however, it can improve cases of severity as well (but maybe not to the same extent). Why is this the case? Well, when it came to finalizing the Cera Care formula, the team affirms that it satisfies three key points. Specifically:

It had to work on all cases of type 2 diabetes, regardless of whether the diagnosis was decades ago, a recent discovery or of varying severity levels:

  • It had to deliver results within 180 days

  • It had to be backed up by scientific studies

Is Cera Care generally safe to consume?

CeraCare comes across as a generally safe supplement because it is a 100% all-natural solution. It is important to mention that “thousands of people enjoyed taking Cera Care every day,” further noting that no one complained about side effects so far. As for manufacturing aspects, each batch was completed in the U.S., in a state-of-the-art FDA approved and GMP certified facility. Finally, each capsule is 100% vegetarian and non-GMO.

Interestingly, a sample of 150 men and women were also administered CeraCare for 180 days. The average age ranged from 24 to 87 years old, all of whom came from unique works of life (i.e., different levels of type 2 diabetes, and a few cases of advanced diabetes). In the end, improvements were reported in their blood sugar levels, organs function and weight management (average weight loss of 22lbs in the first six weeks). For the few cases comprising of advanced diabetes, the only improvement witnessed was normal blood sugar levels.

Having said all that, anyone with pre-existing conditions that require medication are advised to seek a professional’s opinion prior to giving Cera Care a try. This is recommended to avoid any possible medications interaction that may/may not arise.

Does age matter when taking Cera Care?

No, it turns out that no matter if consumers are 30, 50, 70 or even 80 years of age, CeraCare can support them. The same is applicable to factors such as gender and the length of time one was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of CeraCare

  • The product helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels in the human body.

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the inflammation in the human body.

  • The creators have utilized many natural ingredients in manufacturing the supplement.

  • It’s a risk-free and non-addictive supplement that contains no harmful toxins. It doesn’t have any side effects.

  • The supplement consists of antioxidants that detoxify the body and improves immunity.

  • It provides users with much-needed energy.

  • The supplement regulates the blood sugar levels in the human body.

  • The company of CeraCare offers the customers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

How should CeraCare be incorporated from day-to-day?

It has been recommended to take one capsule a day with a meal first thing in the morning. Ideally, each ingestion should be paired with a full glass of water as well.

Side Effects of CeraCare

According to the manufacturers, the product contains all-natural ingredients and has no side effects. They also advise the users to check the ingredient list provided on the bottle and verify whether they are allergic to any.

Purchase and Price

  • The supplement bottle contains 60 tablets that are the dosage for a month.

  • One bottle costs $69 plus shipping charges, after a discount of $107 on the original price.

  • A three-bottle pack is available for sale at $177. In this pack, the effective price per bottle comes to $59. The company waives shipping charges.

  • A six-bottle pack is available for $294. So the price of one bottle of CeraCare in case the customer buys this pack is $49. The company waives off the shipping charges in this case too.

Should the consumer stop consuming medicines for diabetes after beginning to consume CeraCare?

If the user is taking prescribed medicines for diabetes, then they need to consult a doctor to discontinue the medicines. The supplement is said to boost glucose metabolism and help the blood sugar levels to reduce. After consuming CeraCare, the blood is detoxified of toxins and all blood parameters, including blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides levels get reduced. So, the doctor’s may ask their patients to stop consuming the medicines completely or partially and to continue with CeraCare

What results can be anticipated from taking CeraCare?

According to the claims made, CeraCare can possibly play a role in regulating or better yet reversing type 2 diabetes, while ensuring that one’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels are in check. Moreover, this formula might even go as far as improving eyesight and heart health, increasing one’s metabolism, curbing cravings, and may elicit a rejuvenating effect.

Is Cera Care protected by a money-back guarantee?

Yes, Cera Care has been protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Details regarding the refund processes and requests can be retrieved by contacting customer service at support@CeraCare.us.