A Century of Warfare
at Ft. Washita, Durant OK
Have you ever wanted to get a close up view of what life during WWII was like? This is your chance! Ft. Washita will be turned into the front lines of Europe, 1944! Come see the camps, vehicles and gear these valiant troops used to fight one of the biggest conflicts of the century.
Now, we are opening the doors even wider. We are looking to host displays from the 1900s! As those grow, we will incorporate those eras into their own battles at the fort!
Traditional Returning Units/Vendors
Thunderbirds Living Historians
16th SS
Camp Howze MVPA
2nd SS
3rd Infantry Division
Airborne Command
3rd Panzergrenadier
Fox Coy Doughboys
Old Fort Militaria Vendor
German Fabrications
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