Grant Program

2017 Grant Program

At the start of this school year, PTO approved $5,400 to be used towards Teacher and Staff Grants. All teachers and staff members were invited to submit their wish list and apply for these funds. We are super excited to share that we received and approved $3,116 worth of grant requests! Thank you, Central School families, for doing the necessary fundraising that allows us to invest in our school!

Check out all of these happy customers!

"I just wanted to thank you so very much for providing the document camera for us to use in kindergarten. We use it daily, and the students cannot get enough of it! We use it to display individual writings, and give feedback, and they love to use it to practice and demonstrate our math games. I have attached a few pictures of the kiddos in action with the camera.

The other teachers are also thinking about times throughout the day that they can borrow it. We are so lucky to have such a supportive PTO!" - Mrs. Caswell

Part-time nurse, Ms. Julie, receiving supplies from PTO President, Angela McNeil. The nurse's office requested baggies, crackers, cough drops, Ibuprofin, and lots and lots of Dixie cups. (Spent $140)

4th grade Spectra students were excited to receive Estes Rockets that they will get to experiment with later this year!

2nd graders received all kinds of goodies, including new classroom-grade pencil sharpeners in each class, new markers, ornaments to make and gift to their parents, and will get to celebrate their reading goals with cookies later this spring!

Some of our 3rd graders got some new books for their classroom. They look pretty happy about it!

This group of Pre-Kindergarteners were super excited about their new document cameras!

And check out the new beanbag chairs in Counselor's Cove!