


高橋洋介(角川武蔵野ミュージアム キュレーター)

「見えない壁の亀裂: 21世紀初期の現代アートが映し出す科学と社会」

伊藤隆之(山口情報芸術センター R&Dディレクター)

「YCAM Bio Research: ともにつくり、ともに学ぶ」



Cell Synth14.0 meeting (#Cellsynth14) is a two-day online meeting (Nov. 4-5th) to share the latest advancements of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research on "building a cell" and further deepening our understanding of "what is life." We expect an active discussion, presentation, and information exchange among people from abroad and the Japanese Society For Cell Synthesis Research (JSCSR) members.

How to join the oral presentation

Please join the online zoom meeting through the green button presented at the top of the "Oral Timetable" (after you login to the ONLINE CONF system)


[11/3 update] ポスターセッションは両日ともに開催されます。特に初日のポスターセッションで外国の方がDiscussion areaに一人でもいらっしゃる場合は、英語で議論して頂ければ幸いです。 *This announcement is for Japanese participants only

[10/27 update] 国内参加者は参加費の支払いを29日までによろしくお願いいたします。(支払いがない場合は発表を視聴することができません) *This announcement is for Japanese participants only

[10/22 update] 要旨登録の締め切り本日10月22日(金) 夕方5時です。 参加登録締め切りは10月29日(金) 23:59 JSTです。
The Abstract submission deadline is Oct 22nd (Fri) 17:00 JST. Registration deadline is Oct 29th (Fri) 23:59 JST.

[10/21 update] 招待講演者の一覧が出揃いました。
We have all the information regarding the invited speakers available.

[10/9 update] 要旨登録の詳細を追加しました。
We have updated the details of Abstract submission.

The link to the online Cell Synth14.0 meeting system is now OPEN! (←click!)

<How to sign up for the meeting (English)>

All participants, sign up with your email (click here)

② Set up your profile page

All presenters, complete your abstract submission by Oct 22nd (Fri) 17:00 JST.

<参加登録方法 (国内研究者/日本語) >




④ 国内研究者で発表する方は必ず
参加費の振込「細胞を創る研究会」への入会手続 (無料)の完了をお願いいたします。 *参加費の振込先に関しては"参加登録"の項目をご覧ください。

*本サイトは随時更新予定です。This website will be updated as needed.

会期と会場 (Session information)

2021年 11月4-5日 オンライン開催 ONLINE CONF システム (https://gakkai.online/) by 株式会社AGRI SMILE)

4-5 November, 2021 All sessions will be online (ONLINE CONF system / ©AGRI SMILE)

4th (all day English session)

5th (all day Japanese session / 日本語セッション)

運営 (Organizing Committee)

大会実行委員長:松浦友亮 (東京工業大学・地球生命研究所)

プログラム委員長:石川大輔 (東京工業大学・物質理工学院)

大会運営事務局長:丹羽達也 (東京工業大学・科学技術創成研究院)

大会運営事務局:藤島皓介 (東京工業大学・地球生命研究所)


Committee Chair: Tomoaki Matuura (Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Program Chair: Daisuke Ishikawa (School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Secretary General: Tatsuya Niwa (Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Secretary: Kosuke Fujishima (Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

参加登録 (Registration)






参加費: 2000円




普通預金 2830614


Please complete your regisration at the online meeting website. The deadline for meeting registration is Friday, October 29th JST. *Registration fee for the invited speakers and international participants are waived.

基調講演 (Keynote Lectures)

中村龍平 (Ryuhei Nakamura)

Professor at Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Institute of Technology

Ryuhei Nakamura received his Dr. Degree in Science in 2005 from Osaka University, where he studied photo-electrochemistry. After working as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, he joined the University of Tokyo as an assistant professor and worked on electromicrobiology. He was appointed to Team Leader in RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in 2013 and joined Earth Life Science Institute of Tokyo Institute of Technology as a professor in 2017. His research is focused on bio-geological energy-conversion processes, with the aim of understanding how life emerged and to develop future technologies for a sustainable society.

Title: Protometabolism Sustained by Geoelectricity at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents

Dieter Braun

Professor at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich

Dieter Braun received his Dr. Degree in Physics in 2000 from Technical University Munich, where he studied the electrical coupling between silicon chips and neurons. After working as a DFG Postdoc fellow at Rockefeller University, he came back the LMU as an Emmy Noether fellow to establish his own group and worked on thermophoresis, biotechnology (helping establishing NanoTemper technologies) and Origin of life. He was appointed Professor at the LMU in 2007. His research focuses on non-equilibrium biophysics to drive the first steps of Darwinian evolution with microfluidic experiments. Since 2017 he leads two networks in Munich on the Emergence of Life (www.emergence-of-life.de, https://www.origins-cluster.de/forschung/research-units/ru-e) and has received among others, a Starting and Advanced Grant of the European Research Council.

Title: Driving the first steps of Life in non-equilibrium settings

招待講演者一覧 (List of session speakers)


November 4th (Thu) <All day English session>

15:00-15:45 (JST) / 7:00-7:45 (CET)

Keynote 1: Ryuhei Nakamura (ELSI, Titech)

Title: Protometabolism Sustained by Geoelectricity at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents

15:45-16:30 (JST) / 7:45-8:30 (CET)

Keynote 2: Dieter Braun (LMU Munich)

Title: Driving the first steps of Life in non-equilibrium settings

16:40-18:10 (JST) / 8:40-10:10 (CET)

Session 1: "Biomimicry: cells and materials"

Organizers: Dora Tang (MPI-CBG) and Tom Robinson (MPI-KG)

<Invited speakers>

Laura De Laporte (RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany)

Title: Injectable colloidal building blocks to assemble into structured scaffolds for regenerative medicine

Xin Huang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

Title: Life-inspired dynamic behaviours of proteinosomes

Tanja Vidakovic-Koch (Max Planck Institute, Germany)

Title: Artificial organelles: Energy conversion in the context of biomimetic systems

Kwanwoo Shin (Sogang Univ., Korea)

Title: Controlled Metabolic Cascades for the Protein Synthesis in an Artificial Cell

Poster selection speaker: Takumi Takahashi (Tohoku Univ)

18:10-18:20 (JST) / 10:10-10:20 (CET) Online photo shooting + Break

18:20-20:00 (JST) / 10:20-12:00 (CET) Online Poster session (English)

November 5th (Fri) <All day Japanese session 終日、日本語セッション>

9:00-11:00 JST セッション2: 「人工細胞で化学AIをつくる

オーガナイザー 野村 M. 慎一郎(東北大)


濵田省吾 (東北大)


村山恵司 (名古屋大)


中茎 隆 (九州工業大)


コビル アリフ ムハンマド ラセドウル (北大)

「Utilization of biomolecular motors as actuators for a minimal artificial brain」

ポスターセレクション発表者: 鈴木春音 (東京農工大)

11:00-11:10 株式会社AGRI SMILE (システムの紹介)

11:10-11:50 オンラインポスター発表 (前半)

11:50-12:10 昼食

12:10-13:00 オンラインポスター発表 (後半)

13:00-15:00 セッション3: 細胞の壊し方」

オーガナイザー 若本 祐一(東大)










ポスターセレクション発表者: 波多野誠司 (東北大)

15:15-16:55 セッション4: 「細胞を創る」を社会が拡張する—SF、バイオアート、DIYの地平から

オーガナイザー 小宮 健(海洋研究開発機構)




藤崎慎吾(SF作家 サイエンスライター)


 高橋洋介(角川武蔵野ミュージアム キュレーター)

「見えない壁の亀裂: 21世紀初期の現代アートが映し出す科学と社会」

 伊藤隆之(山口情報芸術センター R&Dディレクター)

「YCAM Bio Research: ともにつくり、ともに学ぶ」



17:00-17:30 総会・閉会

要旨登録 (Abstract Submission)

要旨登録の締め切りは日本時間 10月17日(日) 10月22日(金) 17:00 です。






重要: 招待講演者以外の要旨エントリーは自動的にポスター発表として扱われます。ただしポスターセレクションを希望した方は、各セクションのポスターセレクション枠で選ばれる可能性があります。*選考は要旨登録締切後に行われ、大会1週間前にはアナウンスされます。



*The new deadline for the abstract submission is October 22th (Fri) 17:00 JST.

All the presenters (including invited speakers) will need to register their abstract through the online website for the meeting.

[Important] Abstract entries other than those of invited speakers will be considered as poster presentation. However, if you have requested "poster selection", you may be selected for a poster selection slot in one of the sections. *The selection process will take place after the abstract submission deadline and will be announced one week before the online meeting.

Abstract has a word limit of 250 words.

You are not able to upload any figures.

[For researchers in Japan] If you belong to the Japanese institute and plan to present, please register from
this web form. JSCSR membership is free.

Poster Presentationポスター発表



You can find a manual for the poster presenation on the left side of your personal login page on the online meeting site

ファイル形式はPDF 言語は自由。ただし初日のポスターセッションは英語開催のため英語でのご準備を強く推奨します

縦型でも横型でも可。 (縦型を推奨)

A4~A0まで自由。 (読みやすさの観点でA4サイズを推奨するが、Zoom in機能も付いている)


ファイル容量は5MB以下を推奨 (上限20MBまで)

ポスター発表はONLINE CONF上にてPDFファイルで閲覧可能です。”Poster Timetable”から目的の題目のリンクをクリックして目的の発表を選んでください。さらに音声で議論したい場合は”Go to Discussion Area”のボタンを押してください。 

PDF format only

Portrait recommended(You can upload landscape but it will show up small on the system)

Size : A4 ~ A0 (A4 recommended for easy view, but one can zoom in to the contents of the online poster)

Upload is limited to a single PDF file. There is no upper limit of pages.

File size: Less than 5MB is recommended to display smoothly on the system. You cannnot exceed 20MB.

Poster presentations can be found at "Poster Timetable" page after you login to the ONLINE CONF system. Access each poster link and then press the ”Go to Discussion Area” if you wish to communicate online with the presenters and viewers.

Oral Presentation口頭発表


Oral presentation will be taken place on the ONLINE meeting system through zoom system. You will be able to share your slides during your talk. Length of the talk and Q&A is detemined by each session organizers.

総会 (General Meeting)

「細胞を創る」研究会の会員の皆様には11月5日(金) 17:00~より開催予定の総会へのご出席をぜひお願いいたします。


General meeting will be held on November 5th 17:00- for all members of the Japanese Society For Cell Synthesis Research, please join us!


ご質問等あれば以下までご連絡ください *Please contact below if you have any questions

meeting2021 [at] jscsr.org *replace [at] with @