

"Young Adults and Labor Markets in Africa" with Oriana Bandiera, Ahmed Elsayed, and Andrea Smurra. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2022, 36(1): 81-100

"A Mother’s Voice: Impacts of Spousal Communication Training on Child Health Investments" with Martina Björkman Nyqvist and Seema Jayachandran. 

Journal of Development Economics, Volume 168, May 2024, 103263. Online Appendix Replication package VoxDev

Working Papers

"The Demand Side of Africa's Demographic Transition: Desired Fertility, Wealth, and Jobs" [New version] VoxDev 

"Chat Over Coffee? Diffusion of Agronomic Practices and Market Spillovers in Rwanda" with Esther Duflo, Daniel Keniston, and Tavneet Suri VoxDev

Work in Progress

"Female Wage Labor and Fertility: Evidence from the Cut-Flower Industry in Kenya" with Menna Bishop and Niclas Moneke

"Long-term Fertility Responses to a Warming Climate" with Yogita Shamdasani

"Occupational Change and the Modernization of Agriculture: Evidence from Large-scale Land Acquisitions in Senegal" with Renate Hartwig, Christoph Kubitza, and Regina Schnars

Book Chapters

"Technology and Development" with Menna Bishop and Robin Burgess (2023). In: Introduction to Development Engineering edited by Temina Madon, Ashok Gadgil, Richard Anderson, Lorenzo Casaburi, Kenneth Lee, and Arman Rezaee, published by Springer. p.17-57. Book PDF