I am currently a Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) researcher director at the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier (ISEM).


2019 – Present

University of Montpellier

HDR in Computer Science

2006 – 2009

University of Montpellier 2

Ph-D in Computer Science

2004 – 2006

University of Rome 2

Master in Mathematical Engineering

2001 – 2004

University of Rome 2

Bachelor in Mathematical Engineering

1996 – 2001

Liceo Scientico “Edoardo Amaldi”, Rome

Italian equivalent of A-levels


2009 – 2011

University of Tübingen

Postdoctoral fellow at the Zentrum fur Bioinformatik Tubingen (ZBIT) under the supervision of Daniel H. Huson. Teaching load was approximately 4h/week.

2006 – 2009

Université of Montpellier 2

Phd student in Computer Science at the Laboratories d’Informatique Robotique Microlectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM) under the supervision of Olivier Gascuel, Vincent Berry and Vincent Ranwez. Teaching load was approximately 64h/year.


In the past, I have supervised/co-supervised:

  • six master students (Benjamin Albrecht, Franziska Zickmann, Wojciech Paprotny, Manuel Labous, Thomas Markus Huber, Matthieu Angles)

  • eight post-doctoral fellows (Yao-ban Chan, Thu-Hien To, Mark Jones, Paul Simion, Charles-Elie Rabier, Francois Bienvenu, Benjamin Linard and Marnus Stoltz))

  • one engineer (Edwin Jacox)

  • four bachelor students (Julien Braine, Ilyas Lebleu, Shayesteh Arasti, Mohadeseh and Sayahian Dehkordi )

  • two visiting PhD candidates (Manuel Lafond (Universite de Montreal) and Joan Carles Pons Mayol (Universitat de les Illes Balears), each for a period of three months

  • one PhD candidate (Manuel Binet)

I currently supervise:

  • two PhD candidates (Qiuyi Li, Guillaume Thomas)

  • one post-doctoral fellow (Josselin Cornuault)

Collective responsibilities

I am a member of the scientific board of the GDR BIM and the GDR AIEM.

I was member of the National Committee for Scientific Research (CoNRS) for Section 6 (Computer and Information Sciences: Foundations of Computer Science, Computation, Algorithms, Data and Knowledge Representation, Information Processing) from 2016 until 2020.

I was a member of the Academic Council of the University Montpellier 2 until end of 2014 and a member of the Laboratory Council of the ISE-M until may 2015.

Organisation Committes

  • International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) 2018

  • Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data (SMPGD) 2018.

Program Committees

  • three Lorentz Center workshops on phylogenetic networks reconstruction

  • European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) in 2012 et 2014

  • Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology (MCEB) conference from 2013 onward

  • RECOMB Comparative Genomics (RECOMB-CG) 2019

  • Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI) 2019

  • SOFtware SEMinar (SOFSEM) 2020

  • JOBIM 2020

  • JOBIM 2021, SEA 2021

  • ISMB 2022 (co-Area chair), RECOMB-CG 2022

Funding history

My work was partially funded by the French Agency Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) through Grants Phyl-ARIANE, Ancestrome, TED (ANR-13-BSV2-0011), BirdIslandGenomic (ANR-14-CE02-0002), Agropolis Foundation Flagship project GenomeHarvest and via the Institut de Biologie Computationnelle (IBC).

I have also obtained several small grants: two CNRS grants (a PEPS BMI in 2013 and a PICS in 2014), a Jeunes Chercheurs project at IBC in 2014 and two PHC FASIC travel grants in 2019. Finally, I have been awarded with a LabEx NUMEV grant for one year post-doctoral position, a Labex Agro-Cemeb-Numev grant for a two-years post-doctoral position, and a MUSE grant for a one year post-doctoral position.

I have been granted an ANR JCJC. Look at the news for job offers!