Sentinel Soviet

IronThrone Laws

Sentinels are apart of IronThrone and follows IronThrone Laws

Nation Judge Gluonmaster

Punishment Rights

Rights to Know your Crime

If you're being punished then you must know what you did wrong and be told how you can improve.

You will be given a warning, if you continue to commit the same crime then you can be punished

Banned Legal Action/Punishments

1: Jail (except if we need execution room)

2: Teleport to exilement

3: Fines

4: Land confiscation

5: Gaining access to lands to cause damage

6: Executions if a citizen/client/allied soviet hasn't broken a law

Allowed Punishments

1: Executions

2: Tp to the Execution Room 

(we'll only use this if foreign nations keep intervening or we can't find you during executions)

*We will ask where you are if we can't find you for executions. If we still can't find you then we may use the tp

Note: You will be executed until you apologize

Unique Laws

Anti Antagonism Laws

1: Do not insult other nations without gov perm 

2: Do not attack other nations without gov perm 

3: Do not build near/in other nations without gov perm 

4: You must follow UN Laws

Draft Laws

1: Gluon may declare a draft during wars

2: You must fight nations who declared war on us if drafted

Censorship Laws

1: You may not expose classified information without gov perm if you're a member of the CIA

2: You may not say bad things about communism, Gluon, or Sentinel Soviet/allies/client states.

3: You must answer audit questions truthfully if Gluon or someone with her approval audits you

4: You may not report false information to people unless it's for the purpose of protecting national secrets

Civilwar Rights

1: If you don't like policies then declare a civilwar.

2: All sides fight for a Gluon Regime with different policies.

3: Do not involve foreign countries into civilwars.

4: You may not declare civilwar during a national war

Lag Reduction Laws

1: No Vanguard Property may have more than 5 pieces of Graveyard Soil

2: Graveyard Soil must not be covered up and must be easy for Gov Officials to access.

Foreign Property Laws

1: Foreign Property Owners must sign a agreement where they will follow the up to date Sentinel Laws in order to own property. Foreign Property may not be gotten without this agreement.

2: Foreign Property Trades/Gifts are auto cancelled if the Foreign Property Owner didn't sign a agreement where they will follow the up to date Sentinel Laws.

Property Rights

Inventory Rights

People own their own inventory.

Inactive State Leaders

State Leaders must be active or gov will remove them from state owner

Gov may remove empty claims/reinforced blocks/minecolonies

However your base's items will be kept intact and relocated to a holding site

This includes machinery, chests, animals

Inactive Private Owners

Private Lands within Sentinel Soviet Territory must be active or gov can relocate it to a holding site which will be kept safe until the person returns

Client/Allied Soviet Rights

In the event the leadership of those countries are inactive...

Gluon shall become a symbolic leader until the leadership of those countries becomes active

This is done to prevent the UN from confiscating lands

As symbolic leader Gluon will have no rights to confiscate your stuff, grant people perm to your lands, have perms in your lands, remove your minecolonies, remove reinforced blocks, or remove your minecolony

Client/Allied Soviet Requirements

These countries must follow Sentinel Laws/Rights and have a clearly communist name (ie SR, Soviet, Peoples')

These countries may not secede without Gluon's permission

UN Approved Land Grants

Any lands annexed for a Sentinel Member are immediately gov owned. Gluon will decide what happens to this land.

Sentinel Members may not buy lands without Gluon's permission.