The Imperium

A nation which featured a heavy focus in mi as well as vast underground bases





Tis Me

Pseudo Nation

The following nation never minecolonied territory. This nation was also established before frontiers were a game feature. Despite these facts, this nation did establish claim blocks thereby asserting a presence. A product of post IronThrone partition this area was refered to as Neutrality since it did not align with the Sentinels, Prospectors, or Ustaria while it also did not present itself as wanting its own nation. Eventually Neutrality would become its own national entity known as The Imperium. The Imperium would tame the mi and feature mi air/vehicles.

Annexation of Nation

The Imperium would eventually align and join Owtia due to family ties with the Owtians. In fact King Tis Me would go on to eventually become King of Owtia following KingNero taking a break from leadership.