Republic of Ustaria

A nationalist society which sought to dissolve the UN






The Rise of Nationalism

The nation of Ustaria emerged from a previous server and then joined ours. They determined that the centralized government needed to be disolved so as to allow for the formation of nations. They demanded Admin form a UN instead of a central government.

Downfall of Nation

Bangladesh got into a fight with Admin and ended up being banned over his actions on a prior server and his posting of various anti lgbtq as well as some pro nazi stuff.

Later he rejoined with a new discord account and also rejoined ingame since Admin hadn't banned him from the game due to the fact that he hadn't done anything bad ingame.

However Gluon having been mad at Bang, decided to sell his country since she had a treaty making herself manager.

Bang would then ragequit following him accidentally falling into Dark's farm and being butchered by mi soldiers.

Ustarian Drug Cartel

Old Ustarian Flag