A once populous and large country which eventually drove away its citizens/allies




General Secretary


Humble Beginnings

Royal would found a unclaimed base near Madripoor before countries were officially allowed.

Collapse of Royal Land

Royal announced he had discovered a method to duplicate items. Admin went to raid his base but unfortunately due to seeing Royal at Wig's base a lot and Wig not making it clear that he owned the property, Admin raided Wig's base on accident. Eventually Admin compensated Wig and found Royal Land. Royal Land was raided and Royal was put on forced leave for about a month.

PSRAU Founding

After returning from forced leave, Royal discovered that nations were a thing and made his own.

The Fly Landon Incident

Fly and Landon would join PSRAU. They formed a northern jungle colony. However they refused to let Royal have access thus begging the Landon Fly vs PSRAU crisis. The result was Fly and Landon joined Owtia. Royal got control of the land after begging Owtia.

Liberty Realm Antics

Kitchen would secede from PSRAU. Kitchen formed his own area called Liberty Realm before then rejoining PSRAU. Kitchen got a immortality glitch and tried to stage a coup to make himself leader. His glitch was eventually patched and he was exiled.

Pasta Becomes Leader

Royal started acting erratically and randomly said he was taking a break and the new person on the server named Pasta was in charge.

Pasta's Reign of Terror

Pasta refused to let Royal return to power. She demanded territory for her new nation.

Founding of FSS

Gluon convinced Ustaria to make her manager. Gluon sold Ustaria to Royal in a final retaliation after Ustaria's leader got into a fight with Admin and was banned from the server.

Royal declared that Ustaria was now part of the country known as FSS (Federal Socialist States).

Imperialist Beginnings 

Royal would buy Ironbat's lands. Pasta eventually rage quit and thus Royal was once again made leader of the PSRAU lands. Royal would ask for some expansion.

Imperial Communism

Royal would then ask for a expansion to his existing territories.

Asrock Dispute

Goofy and Kitchen created a colony (in purple) called Asrock in a island Royal wanted. A war occured after Kitchen attacked Royal. The result was Asrock was granted to Royal.

Owtia FSS War

FSS attacked Killer. Owtia built a naval base to threaten FSS with mi invaders. The naval base was then destroying thus resulting in a war and a following legal dispute over a badly written peace treaty. This all left Killer's land partitioned between FSS and Killer.

The Cracks Begin

The Judicial Tribunal realized that FSS had gotten very large despite having done little to earn most their unoccupied territory. The Tribunal ruled that FSS could not have minecolonies on land they'd never even built on.

The Begging of the End

Sentinels and Prospectors defeated and arrested Royal. They then started planning a war against FSS. 

This occurred because Royal made a series of bad decisions.

The War

Royal ragequit after being killed and arrested. The result was Kitchen took over as leader of FSS. Gluon claimed this was just a scam so FSS could keep its territory and that Royal would return after people were less riled up. She decided to invade Kitchen. The Prospectors soon followed. The war was quicky won and Kitchen ragequit the server.

The Decline

After the war FSS was forced to give up a lot of land and Kitchen was forced to adopt a constitution. He had to call his country the DFSR (Democratic Federal Socialist Republic). 

Temporary Death

After all the members left they were forced to loose all their frontiers and just keep the minecolonies. 

The Revanchist Wave

Royal and Kitchen made a deal with Admin to return to the server. Royal created the Azracovan Tsardom and annexed DFSR into his new country. He then got the AI Judge to return a lot of the frontiers lost after he and Kitchen ragequit.

Royal is Foiled Again

Royal was never able to get the ai judge nor Admin to grant him all the previous territories he had. Additionally he was put on the bounty, had given up his legal rights including the rights to vote so as not to be subject to UN law. He got frustrated and ragequit again.

The Dead Corpse

Kitchen was not a part of Azracova when Royal ragequit again. Thus BusyEvening who was a member was made the leader. BusyEvening however was inactive so the UN partitioned Azracova. The argument being BusyEvening could assert control and become king at any time.

Azracova Reservation

Due to BusyEvening's inactivity Azracova was made a reservation for the purpose of allowing Kitchen to rule it when Kitchen joined. Kitchen failed to properly inform the UN nor document himself joining thus the land remained a reservation. Reservation Manager Gluon proceeded to board up chests with trapdoors, kill minecolonies citizens in communist purges, and build turrets as well as with Dark's help build a massive sniper tower nearby to watch the area. This made Kitchen mad so he ragequit again. Dark thus became ruler over the reservation since Gluon was fired.