Our Vision

It's Either Us or Them

Historic Goals.

1: The state must be steered by those worthy. Only elites should be in power.

2: The UN is supreme over all. States must serve the UN or be absorbed.

3: People must earn rights to be in government.

4: To gain territory you must fight ai factions and show your resolve.

5: Elites in Justice.

6: Lawyers require a test. You cannot be in a trial if you're not a lawyer.

7: Control the UN prison. Sentence all people to jail in the Sentinels Land.

8: No gifts to new players. Gives them too much free advantage.

9: Partition the world amongst the great powers.

10: No unethical contracts, no insults, and no murder unless a Judge approves it.

Modern Reformed Goals.

☸️: The UN requires a cabinet of worthy players to guide the state forward.

🪜: No free stuff for new players. 

👁️: No bribes/deception to get new players to join nation.

👢: Sentinels can do what we want. Other countries should mind their business.

🤐: Don't be disrespectful in speech.

⛺: Stay out of Sentinel Business. Do not cause problems in our country.

🛡️: Do not harrass nations. Nations are to be respected.

⚒️: Our land is for the Sentinels. It is not for sale or to be privatized.

⛓️: Respect your leader. Rebellions must have good reasons.