✅Our Coalition✅

Player Agency

Helped create anarchy zones while keeping UN laws which lets people choose their experience.


Provides jobs for things like security, harvesting, advising.


Helped found and supports a stock market.


Pays back loans and is willing to do what it takes to keep investors safe.

Defending Underdogs

Protected smaller nations like Killergodking, Madripoor, Wineland.

New Player Defense

Fights for the new player rights of land, safety, learning, and understandable laws.

Gluon for Pres

Vote for Creepers in Parliament.

We pick a hard worker for Pres.

Our Past

We've achieved so much

Our Present

We're achieving more

Our Vision

Let's all keep achieving

The Creeper Party Charter

1: Cautious economics.

-No unneeded risks. 

-Focus on currency adoption.

2: Basic decency.

-Players shouldn't be jerks.

-No taking other peoples corpses.

3: Clear Communication.

-No lying.

-Make laws simple and clean.

-Put topic messages in one location.

-Make sure parties clarify treaties.

4: Protect New Players.

-No scamming.

-Ensure land is available.

-Phantom covers.

-Merling conduits for land breathing.

5: Use it or Lose it.

-Nations must build or use land to prove they are worthy to own it.

-No minecolonies/claim restrictions on undeveloped land.

6: National Sovereignty.

-Prevent groups from consolidating power.

-Grant nation rights.

-Maintain status quo of existing nations.

-Pay for UN workers so they can use money to help their nation.

Corpse Access for All!

Respect Nation Cultures

Use this on Jerks

We like Wigian Pacifism

✅Friendly Parties✅


Sometimes they can be a little judgemental of the Sentinel Culture but overall we get along.

Merchants Guild

Sometimes they drag their heels on issues but overall we get along.

Historic Goals.

1: Law should be all in one place so it's easier to manage.

2: Don't overwhelm people with cluttered discords/shops.

3: Nations should be allowed to maintain their rightfully earned territories.

4: Mutant Creepers should be respected and all nations need a gunpowder factory.

5: Grant pay to UN workers so they aren't sacrificing their nation by working for the UN.

6: If a person isn't planning on using their role/land then they shouldn't have that.

7: Nations should have their own laws and perks to be unique.

8: Maintain the existence of nation states.

9: Require nations to gift their citizens some rights in exchange for subservience. 

10: Grant nations jailing and judicial/warrant rights.

Modern Reformed Goals.

🧹: Consolidate laws into one place. Cut down on arguments and debate.

🏳️: Grant nations more sovereignty. Grant their citizens some rights.

🫂: Require large player nations to have constitutions.

⚔️: Nations should mind their own business.

📈: Resolve disputes and quick action to stop crime. Arrest own citizens if needed to prevent a war.

🏝️: Let other countries mess around while we prosecute them through the UN rather than force.

⚓: Clearly establish facts of case. Focus on the facts of the case over opinion.

☠️: Stop nations from hoarding player corpses. Use warrants if necessary.

🛠️: Pay UN workers to do jobs so they don't have to sacrifice nations for the UN.

✨: Worship mutant creepers and follow the mutant creeper religious code.
