Change Log

Image is not actually ingame, I was so busy coding I didn't have time to get images of this stuff...

Just explore and you'll find new content!

The WarRoom Update (Day 4)

Website Updates

-Boss Tutorials

-Nuclear Tutorials

-Quest Buttons to Link you there

Lag Cleanup

-Glitchy code removed

-Passive mobs don't spawn in caves anymore

-Hostile mobs (excluding oceans) don't spawn below 60 blocks in caves

-Factionless Raiders are purged by the game over period of time

Darkotron Boss Updates

-Now spawns Darkling Minions

-Darklings get purged

Rebellion Update

-Rebels now do more damage

Tis Requested Features

-Mimi Cubes spawn on the moon

-Mi Alliance Techniques can now be made through Recruiting Quest Tree

Image is not actually ingame, I was so busy coding I didn't have time to get images of this stuff...

Just explore and you'll find new content!

The WarRoom Update (Day 3)

Origins Update

Tricksters using G can now randomly read the inventory of a player within a 12 block radius

Wraithlings now can't use their powers while sentenced to jail

Bug Fixes

Some quest notifications fixed

Stamp taxes now work so you can use UN Shop

Army recruiters are now pickup able

Nuclear Fission Reactors craftable without nuclear furnace

Mysterious Clock is now ACTUALLY craftable

Budget Complete

A lot of charts were made for the budget, these will be shared on the website tonight

Sentinel Troop Retexture

Sentinel Troops now wear red kimonos and look like Gluonmaster

Start of Missiles

Thermonuclear Missile Recipe added

Three types of Missiles coded into scoreboard

Teller coded that tells you how many missiles you have of each type

Factionless Raiders Fixed

Factionless Raiders made weaker for new players

Factionless Raiders won't spawn until you're out of the new player tutorial

Factionless Raiders now spawn in again

Factionless Raiders drop silver ore instead of silver ingots to allow for lead making late game

Factionless Raid Leader drops silver helmet to teach people that silver armor is a thing

Other Things

Boron Arsenide is now craftable

Image is not actually ingame, I was so busy coding I didn't have time to get images of this stuff...

Just explore and you'll find new content!

The WarRoom Update (Day 2)

Reforged Weaponry

Reforging bows to do more damage added

Reforging firing arms to do more damage added

Quest Reorganization

Immersive Vehicle Quests removed

Immersive Vehicle recipes used in quests changed (see Sunflower Recipe)

Sunflowers and Corn now use americium RTGs and not plutonium RTGs

Nixus is now named in the quests

Stamp taxes fixed so UN actually makes money from it

Teleport quests moved and combined into menu section

Enforcement Quests are now hidden so only Admin manage those (these are the quests that enforce UN laws)

Quest Notifications

Notifications about banking calculations removed

Notifications about tasks being available to complete removed

Notifications about purchases, XP, and banking removed (this prevents notification spam when doing mass transactions)

Reinforced Wand Recipes

Tier 1 Wands are way more expensive (various tinker construct alloys made from HogZog Empire and Distorted Guardians)

Tier 2 Wands are way more expensive (nuclear fusion+astral sorcery+divinerpg ancient entities)

Tier 3 Wands removed

Sunscreen Recipe

Sunscreen Recipe added

Nuclear Reactor Recipes/Pickups

Nuclear Fission Reactor Recipe added

Nuclear Scission Reactor Recipe added

Nuclear Fusion Reactor Recipe added

Nuclear Reactors drop themselves when broken

Mutant Zombies/Zombies/Enderman/Moonwolfs

Mutant Zombie Spawn Eggs craftable

Zombie Spawn Eggs craftable

Enderman Spawn Eggs craftable

Moonwolf Spawn Eggs craftable

Banking Change

10k deposit and withdrawal transactions now use 10k bills

Nuclear Non Reactor Reforms

Nuclear Furnaces are now more expensive to craft

Nuclear machines which don't do anything are removed

Mysterious Clock Recipe

Mysterious Clocks are now easier to craft

Image is not actually ingame, I was so busy coding I didn't have time to get images of this stuff...

Just explore and you'll find new content!

The WarRoom Update (Day 1)

Reinforcement Mechanic Update

You now pool your resources to make a item which isn't consumed by the reinforcement quest

This is also now how sunscreen works

This kills a lot of birds with one stone

-No more people having their troops lose effects and needing refunds (just use the item that never gets consumed)

-No more accidentally putting reinforce down not near troops (also no more troops moving thus wasting your money)

-Having it be a physical item now adds more tension since someone could kill you and steal your item

Troop Factories

You can now create spawn crystals for troops instead of the troops just being placed

Troops now have unique recipe using nuclearcraft steel, your country color banner, and gold bread (to encourage minecolonies).

Army recruiters grant you access to the troop recipe.

They can be placed every 10 minutes.

Army recruiters can be picked up.

Army recruiters are made with californium RTG and cash.

These recruiters in theory will let us add more types of troops if Admin feel the need to.

These recruiters add a factor to consider to warfare. Now you can store your troops in a grid or place a recruiter down when invading. No longer do you have to just spend 20 minutes clicking every troop to replenish their ration and move them.

Hiring Rebels Now Automated (WIP)

You can target players and hire rebels in real time now

Game warns you that someone online paid rebels to rebel against you

Note right now they're just called factionless rebels

Eternal Mobs

You can now make eternal cockatrices in recruiting

You can now make eternal cyclopes in recruiting

Yutopia Drops Changed

Skeleton, Creeper, Zombie, and Moon Wolf spawn eggs removed

Yu Dogs now drop Moon Bulbs

Pixie stuff removed from Yutopia Drops

Darkotron is a boss instead of a miniboss

Cyclop stuff mostly removed except spawn egg

Armies Tech Tree Redone/Relocated

Now found under new quest military tab

Persisting hostile mobs is now run through recruiting

Unlock the ability to make mobs persist by completing quests

New Boss

Darkotron Boss added. Designed to be a challenge for veteran players. Kill it to get corrupted items and corruption altar.

Corruption altar enchants items without need for lapis.

Craftable Heads

Blaze and Skeleton Heads now craftable with crafting table rather than questline

Craftable Spawn Eggs

Creeper and Skeleton Spawn Egg now craftable with crafting table

Nuclear Reactors

Fission recipe of Thorium->Uranium->Plutonium->Curium->Berklium->Californium is now complete

Fission recipe produces byproducts which can be stored and used in other reactions

Fission recipes now rely on ratios

Scission Reactor added which uses other methods of Curium->Californium for its recipes

Fusion Reactor added, use Californium RTG to start Reactor, make neutron fluid (for missile plating) using deuteurium (from basalt mining)

Dynamic Fusion since it produces byproducts that you can work into other reactions

You can use Helium4 byproduct at the end of Fusion in order to make tons of blue ice which helps in cooling Fission Reactor

New Advertisement Guidelines

UN can now vote on what ads get published every 7 days

7 day per publish reddits are no longer being used for nation ads

Bio Lab Update

Server economy hub is now more organized. Shops have cool names/looks as of now.

Biolabs can be created to allow access to origin changing, mutants, new saplings, and the cherry blossoms for the cherry blade.

Bug Fixes

 1: No more military vehicles breaking roads/hitting walls and breaking.

2: Blaze blood can now be obtained again. Blaze spawns are now only vanilla blazes.

3: You can no longer craft the thousand dollars into stacks.

4: Piggybacks removed. No more picking up server travel system. A new travel npc was given to Killer Island as repayment for bug.

5: Scoreboard added to react in real time to stock access changes. No more hitting/seeing shops you don't have access to.

6: Pipes mod added because there were no pipes to deal with fluids.

7: Energy/Speed Upgrades removed because don't work.

Status Update on Work

What Admin are Doing?!

1: Gluon is currently dealing with finals. Dark will not have a computer for 10 days

2: Gluon and Dark have for a while been working on their own ingame stuff.

3: Despite these setbacks we have the following plan...

The Plan

1: Address New Players.

2: Advertisements.

3: Clean Up Existing Updates

4: Release a Update for AI Factions.

5: Review and Add New Mods

6: Anything I missed.

Nuclear Update

You can now craft Nuclear Reactor. Warning, it's a entity so it's killable. Be careful. It drops its parts upon breaking.

This now means Plutonium RTGs are craftable. Once you have the machinery/silk touch pick, it's pretty simple.

Better Shops Update

These shops don't require a credit card. They are called simple shops and are really cheap. You can either do money exchange or barter shops with random items as the price. You can now make items that cost more than 500$ in a shop.

Asteroil Update

New Asteroil Mechanic. If you get a fosic resonator you can find these dark blue clouds at night. Once you report a discovered well to Admin and you'd built around the Asteroil Well you'll gain a revenue. The UN can tax that revenue.

Rules Reform Update

1: Rules reorganized for efficiency.

2: Executive Branch is now officially part of UN. Change Executive Branch via 3/4 vote.

3: The idea that the server has private property and you get minecolonies from building on land is now explicit. Same goes for how international property/land works.

4: Contracts are now officially part of server rules/pseudo laws. I detail in there what Admin/AI Judge will do if you break a contract.

Some UN Shop Update

New Prices.

Diamonds and pork now run under a new price system.

Diamond Deal.

Diamonds are now not good to sell and costly to buy. 

This is to encourage private diamond shops, prevent money overflow, and prevent new players from drowning in diamonds. 

After all veteran players have lots of lunar diamonds.

Pork Deal.

Pork are now good to sell but costly to buy. 

This should make sense since animal farming is super hard. But we also want food to be available.

I put a special id on the porkchops to prevent people from reselling them for infinite money.

Nationalist Update

Nation Law is now officially a gameplay mechanic

The NRA Law used to grant Nations the right to make their own laws which were underneath the UN.

That's now just a server rule. So the UN can't take away the Nation right to make laws.

Private Property is a lot more clear, please look at rules page.

There's now rules about Nations taking citizen property. You must have your law say that property can be taken *exception is if they settle in a clearly labelled frontier that's not for them

If you change your property law you need citizens to agree. If they don't agree expel them from nation. *Expelling is now officially in the Nation Rules.

Nation Judges

You can appoint Nation Judges. It's assumed you're Nation Judge by default. This means the AI Judge is not needed to rule on your citizens. AI Judge does appeals if Nation Judges go insane.

Chief Legislate Update

1: UN appoints Magistrate and Marshal +2/3 vote.

2: Magistrates now have more clear powers regarding how they can clarify laws. There's now only one Magistrate.

3: Marshal can rank laws regarding how important it is to know a law. If a law is less important to know then people can be forgiven if they were misinformed or unaware of the law.

4: It's super easy to remove a Magistrate/Marshal (1/3 vote) but harder to pick a new one (+2/3 vote).

UN Gov Update

1: AI Judge beliefs are now less complex. AI Judge now is more fluid. Also UN can now change AI Judge beliefs with 3/4 parliament vote.

2: Forum is shut down. Council is renamed to Parliament. 

3a: People no longer vote for Executive Officers. We did this because you all had to basically read up and vote for like 9+ positions. 

3b: People vote for Parliament. Parliament picks Executive Officers via a system where the person with most votes gets to pick first. Percentage of votes determines how many picks you get. We break ties by Admin randomly flipping a coin.

Economy Update

Complete overall to all UN budget mechanics.

1: There are now accounts. UN can't just spend money like crazy. There's rules about spending now.

2: UN needs various power levels to change these accounts. *See UN tab in website and scroll to bottom to see budget.

3: There's now lockboxes, bonds, justice rewards, and the executive branch is officially part of the UN.

4: There are now taxes. There's also now rules against certain types of taxes. *Again scroll to bottom of UN page. 

Quest Consolidation

No more UN and Nation Quests. We're centralizing all quests to be controlled by Admin. Therefore I'm using my Admin powers to declare no more Questmaster.

Copyright is Chartered

I've made various forms of intellectual property and now made them officially part of the charter. That means that there's the option to charge fees for patent use and prevent copyrights/trademark use.

Website Establishment

Admin created this website and included the basic frameworks we'll need. Now we'll just be doing slow building as more features are needed.

All formal parts of the server are being migrated to the website. The discord will become a informal memes/talk area.