Custom Holidays

National Money Day

(Celebrate on 1/18)

The following holiday celebrates when President Ghen threatened to raise the stamp tax unless someone donated money to the government. Ghen claimed that the longer it took to sign this deal the more expensive it would get.

How to Celebrate...

National Ghen Day

(Celebrate on 1/19)

The following holiday focuses on the life of Ghen. Ghen is a controversial figure in politics so you choose whether this holiday is a celebration or mournful. 

How to Celebrate...

Server Founding Day

(Celebrate on 3/7)

The following holiday celebrates the founding of the server.

How to Celebrate...

Presidents Day

(Celebrate on 6/24)

The following holiday celebrates all of our presidents.

How to Celebrate...

National Imperium Day

(Celebrate on 8/26)

The following holiday celebrates the united cultural ties between The Free Imperium and The Imperium. 

How to Celebrate...

Doom Machine Day

(Celebrate on 9/17)

The following holiday celebrates when Gluon was held at gunpoint to make a doomsday machine

How to Celebrate...

Lincoln's New Memorial

(Celebrate on 9/18)

The following holiday celebrates the life and mourns the second death of Lincoln. Lincoln was once a major godly figure on the server.

How to Celebrate...

Creeper Adventus

(Celebrate on 11/5)

The following holiday celebrates the glorious Lunar Creeper Goddess

How to Celebrate...

Server Infancy Day

(Celebrate on 11/12)

The following holiday celebrates when Gluon and Dark first started discussing this server. We were originally going to make it a laboratory  with quests and a goal to fight on two teams for control of the lab.

How to Celebrate...

Goofy's Prosperity Day

(Celebrate on 12/20)

The following holiday celebrates when Goofy signed a deal with Gluon. This deal had Gluon search Goofy's lands for asteroil and then had Gluon develop Goofy's asteroil. Gluon would make the asteroil profits until Goofy rejoined the server. Meanwhile Gluon would invest a lot of money into developing a new stock to assist Wineland's development.

How to Celebrate...