
Active Revenue

Stamps (5$ per)

Taxes on Buying/Selling in UN Shops

Amount of stamp needed varies depending on item.

Army Rations (20$ per)

Taxes on Paying Troops to follow a player

Placing Chests (5$ per)

Taxes whenever a player places a chest

Icekia Travel (5$ per)

Tax on traveling to icekia

UFS Asteroil

The UN makes money on asteroil within it's UN Free States

Asteroil Fee (0%/$)

Taxes on country income from Asteroil

Donations/Loan Repays

Folks can donate also see loans page for more info about rates/repayment

Potential Stock Revenue

Buying Stock Fee (?$)

Taxes on the purchase of stock.

Selling Stock Fee (?$)

Taxes on the sale of stock.

Corp Stock Fee (0%)

Taxes on corporate funds managed by shareholders

Gifting Stock Fee (?$)

Taxes on the gifting of stock.

Potential Charging to Gain a Service Revenue

(There are many more possibilities but all are one time fees)

Stock Creator Fee (?$)

Taxes on making stocks, can't have stock if no pay

Nation Creator Fee (?$)

Taxes on making nations, can't be nation if no pay

Appoint/Become Exec Fee (?$)

Taxes on making nations, can't be nation if no pay

Market Creator Fee (?$)

Taxes on making a UN Market Claim, if no pay then take UN claim away

Buying Land Fee (?$)

Taxes on gaining more land through UN grants

Gain Copyright Fee (?$)

Taxes on gaining a copyright

Dimension Tax (?$)

Taxes on traveling to a certain dimension

Placement Tax (?$)

Taxes on placing certain blocks

Playtime Tax (?$)

Taxes on playing for a amount of time

Potential Charging to Keep Service Revenue

(There are many more possibilities but all are fees to keep privileges)

UN Patents (?$)

People can gift patents to UN, if a group created by UN invents something, it's not certain that one person in group invented, then the UN can vote to patent +50%.

UFS Access Fee (?$)

Fee on gaining access to a UN Free State.

Keeping Market Fee (?$)

Taxes on keeping a UN Market Claim, if no pay then take UN claim away

Banned Taxes

Pay or Criminal

Attempted during the Royal Era but was a compete failure

UN Voter Plutocracy

You can't tax the ability to vote in council, vote for council, and remain a nation

Forced Version of Priors

You can't make someone a criminal if they fail to do actions which would require they pay fees

Use of UN Customnpcs

You can't tax the ability to click to access UN customnpcs

Trial/Contract System

You can't tax the ability to go to trial

You can't tax the ability to make/maintain a legal contract

Maintaining Copyright

*Doesn't apply to legal monopolies

You can't charge someone to keep a existing copyright (patent/trademark/copyright).