
The Prospector Party gives out loans to individuals who require them, with an added discount to members of either the party, nation, or alliances. 


The Prospector Party acts as the world's police force. While simultaneously protecting its own interests, the Prospector Party is a deadly force to be reckoned with. 


The Prospector Party contains a ludicrous amount of power, flexing its will wherever it pleases. 


The Prospector Party contains extravagant buildings, creating a beacon of hope for all players.  


The Prospector Party embraces all players regardless of power status, or economic status, except the creeper party... screw them.


The Prospector Party defends every inch of our alliance territory and is unyielding in the face of danger. 

✅Friendly Parties

Creeper Party

Despite creating famine, the Prospectors tolerate the Creeper Party as potential allies should a conflict arise (I'm looking at you FSS). 

Merchant's Guild

As a culture of strong warriors and wonderous architecture, the Prospector Party admires the Merchant Guild and values them as a strong ally. 
