Bill of Appeals

Your Legal Appeals


You can go to court to get appeals.

Whenever gov is mentioned assume it refers to the UN, nations, and alliances.

Whenever jury is mentioned assume it refers to old juries and current jury.

Both criterion must be met.

Inherent Appeals

Illegal Trials

-Jury broke laws and or charter rights to rule on a case.

-Jury broke laws and or charter rights to get warrants.

Bad Trial Format

-Evidence withheld from Jury that would change the trial outcome.

-Jury didn't provide reasonable time for evidence to be shown.

-Laws/facts mispresented by Admin (the Admin must agree).

*Admin may order cases to be redone if we accidentally made a mistake on our end.

Lack of Reasoning

-If the Jury merely votes guilty or not guilty, votes on penalties, votes on appeals/rights, without members providing a supporting reasoning then you may request a appeals case.

*The appeals case should ask Jury members of the previous case to provide reasons. If they can't provide logical reasons then the appeal is valid.

Ineffective Counsel

-If you pick someone to be your lawyer and they actively sabotage your case.

-Your lawyer did a substantially worse job then they normally do on cases (maybe they had a melt down or were busy with other things).

Corrupted Jury

-Evidence was purposely ignored by enough Jury members that it would leave the trial outcome in question.

-Enough Jury members made deals/were bribed to rule a certain way that it would leave the trial outcome in question.

-Enough Jury members conspired to personally gain from taking down someone else that it would leave the trial outcome in question.

-Enough Jury members stated reasonings that have nothing to do with the illegal act/evidence credibility/your own character.

False Evidence

-Enough evidence was made up that its collective inclusion changed the outcome of the trial.

Acquired Appeals